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Ruby on Rails-用于关联和created_at的group_by

[英]Ruby on Rails - group_by for relation and created_at

I'm looking for a Rails query that will get me the last created rating for every movie made by the current user. 我正在寻找一个Rails查询,该查询将为我获取当前用户制作的每部电影的最新创建评分。

For example, let's say I have this active record collection: 例如,假设我有这个活动记录集合:

#<ActiveRecord::Relation [
  #<Rating id: 115, score: 5, movie_id: 7, user_id: 5, created_at: "2019-09-16 16:47:55", updated_at: "2019-09-16 16:47:55">,
  #<Rating id: 116, score: 3, movie_id: 7, user_id: 5, created_at: "2019-09-16 16:47:57", updated_at: "2019-09-16 16:47:57">,
  #<Rating id: 117, score: 5, movie_id: 7, user_id: 5, created_at: "2019-09-16 16:50:37", updated_at: "2019-09-16 16:50:37">,
  #<Rating id: 118, score: 3, movie_id: 8, user_id: 5, created_at: "2019-09-16 16:50:42", updated_at: "2019-09-16 16:50:42">

We can see there are three objects with movie_id : 7 , one with movie_id : 6 . 我们可以看到存在三个带有movie_id7对象,一个带有movie_id6 This is wrong as I need to get the latest rating for each movie from the current_user. 这是错误的,因为我需要从current_user获取每部电影的最新评级。

For example, something alone the lines of this: 例如,仅此行:

Rating.order(created_at: :desc).select('DISTINCT ON (movie_id) *')

My model associations: 我的模型关联:

class Movie < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :user
  has_many   :ratings, dependent: :destroy

class Rating < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :movie

class User < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :movies
  has_many :ratings

Please explain the Rails query as I really want to understand this. 请解释一下Rails查询,因为我真的很想理解这一点。

Let's do it in parts! 让我们分批完成!

You need a Rails query that will get me the last created rating for every movie made by the current user. 您需要一个Rails查询,该查询将为我获取当前用户制作的每部电影的最新创建评分。

Ok, with this information, let`s start with the current_user reference! 好的,有了这些信息,让我们从current_user参考开始!

Your relation for User is like this: 您与User关系如下:

A user has many movies user有很多movies

A user has many ratings user有很多ratings

With these definitions, you can take advantage of ActiveRecord to run the following methods: 使用这些定义,您可以利用ActiveRecord运行以下方法:

current_user.movies # All movies of a current_user
current_user.movies # All ratings of a current_user

Ok, now we can access all movies and ratings from a user instance, but how we can access the ratings grouped by movies? 好的,现在我们可以访问用户实例中的所有电影和分级,但是如何访问按电影分组的分级?

Let's see the Rating relations: 让我们看一下Rating关系:

A rating belongs to a user # this means the rating instance has the user_id rating属于user #,这表示该等级实例具有user_id

A rating belongs to a movie # this means the rating instance has the movie_id rating属于movie #,这表示该评级实例具有movie_id

Nice! 真好! Now we can get the user ratings grouped by movie : 现在,我们可以movie将用户评级分组

current_user.ratings.group_by { |rating| rating.movie_id }
# or the sugar sintax
grouped_ratings = current_user.ratings.group_by(&:movie_id)

This will group all user ratings based on the movie_id , and will produce to us a hash like: 这将根据movie_id对所有用户评分进行movie_id ,并向我们产生一个哈希值,例如:

  1: [#<Rating id: 115...#>, #<Rating id: 116...#>], # The "1" means the movie_id of the group_by
  2: [#<Rating id: 117...#>] # The "2" means the movie_id of the group_by

Ok, now we have a hash of ratings from a User, grouped by the movie_id . 好的,现在我们得到了来自user的评分的哈希值,并按movie_id分组。

But we need the last rating created by a user for each Movie correctly? 但是,我们需要用户为每部电影正确创建的最新评级吗?

last_ratings_for_each_movie = grouped_ratings.map do |movie_id, ratings|
  movie = Movie.find(movie_id)
  last_rating = ratings.sort_by{ |rating| rating.created_at }.last

  puts "The last Rating created by the current user for Movie #{movie.title} is the rating #{last_rating.id}" # Assuming movie has a title


In the last moment, you will have an array of the last rating created for a movie (to access the movie you can execute a rating.movie for example) 在最后一刻,您将拥有为电影创建的最后一个评分的数组(例如,要访问电影,您可以执行一个rating.movie

I didn't understand if you must do it with SQL, if yes, let me know pls :) 我不知道您是否必须使用SQL进行操作,如果可以,请告诉我:)

Hope it helps! 希望能帮助到你!

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