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如何将我的 razor model 的属性传递给部分?

[英]How do I pass a property of my razor model to a partial?

I have a razor page, where the SomeList property of my page model is of type List<Blah> , with the following:我有一个 razor 页面,其中我的页面 model 的 SomeList 属性是List<Blah>类型,具有以下内容:

@await Html.PartialAsync("_QueueTable", Model.SomeList)

I have a partial with the following:我有以下部分:

@model List<Blah>

When I hit my breakpoint, trying to access Model gives me a NullReferenceException.当我到达断点时,尝试访问 Model 会给我一个 NullReferenceException。

If I inspect ViewData inside the Non-Public members of the ViewBag I see the Model I'm looking for.如果我检查 ViewBag 的非公共成员中的 ViewData,我会看到我正在寻找的 Model。

How do I set this up properly so that I can simply reference Model in my partial so I can act on my list?如何正确设置它,以便我可以在我的部分中简单地引用 Model 以便我可以对我的列表采取行动?

the problem was that I had an @page directive at the top of my partial问题是我的部分顶部有一个@page 指令

I tried to remove the directive when I created the partial, but VS gave me an error saying that it must be present.我在创建部分时尝试删除该指令,但 VS 给了我一个错误,说它必须存在。

I didn't give it another thought, until a co-worker finally pointed it out.我没有再想它,直到一位同事终于指出了这一点。 I removed the directive, did a clean, did a build and I'm in business.我删除了指令,进行了清理,进行了构建,然后我就开始营业了。

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