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如何简化 sql 查询?

[英]How can I simplify the sql query?

I have the below query which is not working in sql server with large amount of data.我有以下查询,它在具有大量数据的 sql 服务器中不起作用。 The query is not working when I use date filter with 3 combinations in where clause.当我在 where 子句中使用具有 3 个组合的日期过滤器时,查询不起作用。

      IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempAllocStatus1') IS NOT NULL
                     DROP TABLE #tempAllocStatus1 

                     SELECT  Users.Name,REPLACE(Staff.Designation, 'IND ', '') as Designation, Staff.Office as Location,
                                    (SELECT  COUNT(ReqDt.ID) FROM tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt  
                                    INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id 
                                    WHERE ReqDt.AssignedToID = Users.UserADID AND Req.TypeOfRequest = 1 AND ((ReqDt.StatusCode = 'COMP' or ReqDt.StatusCode = 'PCR') or (ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' and ReqDt.SubStatusCode='BENRE' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='BENSF' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='DRR' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='DRSO' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='RPSOFF'))) [Indian Benchmarking Assigned], 

                                    (SELECT  COUNT(ReqDt.ID) FROM tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt  
                                    INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id 
                                    WHERE ReqDt.ReviewerID = Users.UserADID AND Req.TypeOfRequest = 1 AND ((ReqDt.StatusCode = 'COMP' or ReqDt.StatusCode = 'PCR') or (ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' and ReqDt.SubStatusCode='BENSF' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='DRSO' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='RPSOFF' or SubStatusCode='RPC' or SubStatusCode='TPRPC'))) [Indian Benchmarking Reviewer], 

                                    (SELECT  COUNT(ReqDt.ID) FROM tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt  
                                    INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id 
                                    WHERE ReqDt.SignoffID = Users.UserADID AND Req.TypeOfRequest = 1 AND ((ReqDt.StatusCode = 'COMP' or ReqDt.StatusCode = 'PCR') or (ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' and ReqDt.SubStatusCode='RPSOFF' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='SCPC' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='TPSCPC'))) [Indian Benchmarking Signoff],

                                    (SELECT  COUNT(ReqDt.ID) FROM tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt  
                                    INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id 
                                    WHERE ReqDt.AssignedToID = Users.UserADID AND Req.TypeOfRequest = 1 AND ((ReqDt.StatusCode = 'COMP' or ReqDt.StatusCode = 'PCR') or (ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' and ReqDt.SubStatusCode='BENRE' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='BENSF' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='DRR' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='DRSO' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='RPSOFF'))) + 
                                    (SELECT  COUNT(ReqDt.ID) FROM tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt  
                                    INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id 
                                    WHERE ReqDt.ReviewerID = Users.UserADID AND Req.TypeOfRequest = 1 AND ((ReqDt.StatusCode = 'COMP' or ReqDt.StatusCode = 'PCR') or (ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' and ReqDt.SubStatusCode='BENSF' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='DRSO' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='RPSOFF' or SubStatusCode='RPC' or SubStatusCode='TPRPC'))) + 
                                    (SELECT  COUNT(ReqDt.ID) FROM tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt  
                                    INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id 
                                    WHERE ReqDt.SignoffID = Users.UserADID AND Req.TypeOfRequest = 1 AND ((ReqDt.StatusCode = 'COMP' or ReqDt.StatusCode = 'PCR') or (ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' and ReqDt.SubStatusCode='RPSOFF' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='SCPC' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='TPSCPC'))) [Indian Benchmarking Total],

                       (SELECT  COUNT(ReqDt.ID) FROM tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt 
                        WHERE ReqDt.AssignedToID = Users.UserADID AND ((ReqDt.StatusCode = 'COMP' or ReqDt.StatusCode = 'PCR') or (ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' and ReqDt.SubStatusCode='BENRE' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='BENSF' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='DRR' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='DRSO' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='RPSOFF'))) [All Assigned], 
                        (SELECT  COUNT(ReqDt.ID) FROM tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt 
                        WHERE ReqDt.ReviewerID = Users.UserADID AND ((ReqDt.StatusCode = 'COMP' or ReqDt.StatusCode = 'PCR') or (ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' and ReqDt.SubStatusCode='BENSF' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='DRSO' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='RPSOFF' or SubStatusCode='RPC' or SubStatusCode='TPRPC'))) [All Reviewer], 
                        (SELECT  COUNT(ReqDt.ID) FROM tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt 
                        INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id 
                        WHERE ReqDt.SignoffID = Users.UserADID AND ((ReqDt.StatusCode = 'COMP' or ReqDt.StatusCode = 'PCR') or (ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' and ReqDt.SubStatusCode='RPSOFF' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='SCPC' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='TPSCPC'))) [All Signoff],
                        (SELECT  COUNT(ReqDt.ID) FROM tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt 
                        WHERE ReqDt.AssignedToID = Users.UserADID AND ((ReqDt.StatusCode = 'COMP' or ReqDt.StatusCode = 'PCR') or (ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' and ReqDt.SubStatusCode='BENRE' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='BENSF' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='DRR' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='DRSO' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='RPSOFF'))) + 
                        (SELECT  COUNT(ReqDt.ID) FROM tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt 
                        WHERE ReqDt.ReviewerID = Users.UserADID AND ((ReqDt.StatusCode = 'COMP' or ReqDt.StatusCode = 'PCR') or (ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' and ReqDt.SubStatusCode='BENSF' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='DRSO' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='RPSOFF' or SubStatusCode='RPC' or SubStatusCode='TPRPC'))) + 
                        (SELECT  COUNT(ReqDt.ID) FROM tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt 
                        INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id 
                        WHERE ReqDt.SignoffID = Users.UserADID AND ((ReqDt.StatusCode = 'COMP' or ReqDt.StatusCode = 'PCR') or (ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' and ReqDt.SubStatusCode='RPSOFF' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='SCPC' or ReqDt.SubStatusCode='TPSCPC'))) [All Total]

                        INTO #tempAllocStatus1

                        FROM tblUserRolesMapping Users

                            LEFT JOIN [tblstaff] Staff ON Users.UserADID = Staff.AD_Id                                  
                            LEFT JOIN tblTPRequestDetail UserAssigned ON UserAssigned.AssignedToID = Users.UserADID
                            LEFT JOIN tblTPRequestDetail UserReviewer ON UserReviewer.ReviewerID = Users.UserADID
                            LEFT JOIN tblTPRequestDetail UserSignoff ON UserSignoff.SignoffID = Users.UserADID

                            LEFT JOIN tblTPRequest TPRAssigned ON UserAssigned.RequestID = TPRAssigned.ID
                            LEFT JOIN tblTPRequest TPRReviewer ON UserReviewer.RequestID = TPRReviewer.ID
                            LEFT JOIN tblTPRequest TPRSignoff ON UserSignoff.RequestID = TPRSignoff.ID 

                        WHERE Users.Active = 1 and Users.[RoleId] !=6
                                  AND (TPRAssigned.crtddate >= '2017-04-01'  and TPRAssigned.crtddate<= '2017-05-30')

                                  OR (TPRReviewer.crtddate >= '2017-04-01'  AND TPRReviewer.crtddate<='2017-05-30')

                                  OR (TPRSignoff.crtddate >= '2017-04-01'  AND TPRSignoff.crtddate<='2017-05-30' )
                                   GROUP BY Users.UserADID,  Users.Name, Staff.Designation,Staff.Office 

                            SELECT * FROM #tempAllocStatus1 WHERE [All Total] > 0

                                UNION ALL

                            SELECT * FROM #tempAllocStatus1 WHERE [All Total] = 0 

And I am facing the issue in the below lines of the query.我在下面的查询行中遇到了这个问题。

                             AND (TPRAssigned.crtddate >= '2017-04-01'  and TPRAssigned.crtddate<= '2017-05-30')

                                  OR (TPRReviewer.crtddate >= '2017-04-01'  AND TPRReviewer.crtddate<='2017-05-30')

                                  OR (TPRSignoff.crtddate >= '2017-04-01'  AND TPRSignoff.crtddate<='2017-05-30')

I have tried many solutions to simplify this query.我尝试了许多解决方案来简化此查询。 But nothing is working with large amount of data.但是没有任何东西可以处理大量数据。 It is processing for long time and getting timeout execution.它正在处理很长时间并获得超时执行。 Can anyone please help to simplify this query?任何人都可以帮助简化这个查询吗?

As per the suggestion, I have optimized query as below.根据建议,我已优化查询如下。

    COUNT(*) NumRecs 
    tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt
        INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req 
            ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id
            AND Req.TypeOfRequest = 1 

            AND Req.crtddate >= '2017-04-01'  
            and Req.crtddate <= '2022-05-30'

        ReqDt.StatusCode IN ( 'COMP', 'PCR' ) 
    OR (    ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' 
        and ReqDt.SubStatusCode IN ( 'BENRE', 'BENSF', 'DRR', 'DRSO', 'RPSOFF' )

    COUNT(*) NumRecs
    tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt
        INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req 
            ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id
           AND Req.TypeOfRequest = 1 

           AND Req.crtddate >= '2017-04-01'  
           and Req.crtddate <= '2022-05-30'

        ReqDt.StatusCode IN ( 'COMP', 'PCR' ) 
    OR (    ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' 
        and ReqDt.SubStatusCode IN ( 'BENSF', 'DRSO', 'RPSOFF', 'RPC', 'TPRPC' )

    COUNT(*) NumRecs 
    tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt
        INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req 
            ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id
            AND Req.TypeOfRequest = 1 

            AND Req.crtddate >= '2017-04-01'  
            and Req.crtddate <= '2022-05-30'

        ReqDt.StatusCode IN ( 'COMP', 'PCR' ) 
    OR (    ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' 
        and ReqDt.SubStatusCode IN ( 'RPSOFF', 'SCPC', 'TPSCPC' )

    SELECT U.Name,
    REPLACE(S.Designation, 'IND ', '') as Designation, 
    S.Office as Location,
    coalesce( Assigned.NumRecs, 0 ) [Indian Benchmarking Assigned],
    coalesce( Reviewed.NumRecs, 0 ) [Indian Benchmarking Reviewed],
    coalesce( Signed.NumRecs, 0 ) [Indian Benchmarking Signed],
    coalesce( Assigned.NumRecs, 0 ) + coalesce( Reviewed.NumRecs, 0 ) + coalesce( Signed.NumRecs, 0 )  [total Indian Benchmarking]

    tblUserRolesMapping U
        left JOIN [tblstaff] S 
            ON U.UserADID = S.AD_Id

        left JOIN #tmpAssigned Assigned
            on U.UserADID = Assigned.AssignedToID

        left JOIN #tmpReviewed Reviewed
            on U.UserADID = Reviewed.ReviewerID           

        left JOIN #tmpSigned Signed
            on U.UserADID = Signed.SignoffID

        U.Active = 1 
    and U.RoleId !=6 
    and coalesce( Assigned.NumRecs, 0 ) + coalesce( Reviewed.NumRecs, 0 ) + coalesce( Signed.NumRecs, 0 ) !=0

order by U.Name

But I am getting the duplicate records.但我得到了重复的记录。 How do I remove duplicate records from the result.如何从结果中删除重复记录。 Also the same user with USERADID can have more than one role in tblUserRoleMapping table.此外,具有 USERADID 的同一用户可以在 tblUserRoleMapping 表中拥有多个角色。

Obviously redundant, but also consideration of your where conditions, especially in your counting queries.显然是多余的,但还要考虑您的 where 条件,尤其是在您的计数查询中。 Looking at your (StatusCode and SubStatusCode or SubStatusCode or SubStatusCode or...).查看您的(StatusCode 和 SubStatusCode 或 SubStatusCode 或 SubStatusCode 或...)。 If any of your subsequent OR conditions are true it will be counted as true.如果您随后的任何 OR 条件为真,则将被视为真。 Looking at StatusCode = 'AWIP' and SubStatus = 'DRSO', this would be interpreted as查看 StatusCode = 'AWIP' 和 SubStatus = 'DRSO',这将被解释为

( true and false or false or true or false ) resulting in TRUE

or another Looking at StatusCode = 'XYZ' and SubStatus = 'DRSO', this would be interpreted as或另一个查看 StatusCode = 'XYZ' 和 SubStatus = 'DRSO',这将被解释为

( false and false or false or true or false ) resulting in TRUE.

What I THINK you are trying to accomplish is (respectively per samples above我认为您要完成的是(分别根据上面的示例

( true and (false or false or true or false )) resulting in TRUE
( false and (false or false or true or false )) resulting in FALSE.

where you want the primary status code = 'AWIP', and if so, then only count if any of the SUBSTATUS codes is any of the following.您希望主要状态代码 = 'AWIP' 的位置,如果是这样,则仅在任何 SUBSTATUS 代码是以下任何一个时才计算在内。 Your parenthesis were not accommodating correctly if this was intended.如果这是有意的,您的括号不能正确容纳。 By changing to an IN () clause can help simplify this ambiguity.通过更改为 IN () 子句可以帮助简化这种歧义。

Now, with the duplication, if this is pre-written as a sub-query, grouped by user ID and get the counts you can join to it once现在,通过重复,如果这是预先编写为子查询,按用户 ID 分组并获取您可以加入一次的计数

Since you are already using "#" temp tables in SQL-Server, you can prequery these results and then sum() again without user ID for the grand-total per category.由于您已经在 SQL-Server 中使用“#”临时表,因此您可以预先查询这些结果,然后在没有用户 ID 的情况下再次 sum() 每个类别的总计。

Per comment of duplicate STAFF, you need to get the UNIQUE STAFF ID (not provided so I will make the column name up. You can obviously adjust that).根据重复 STAFF 的评论,您需要获取唯一的 STAFF ID(未提供,因此我将整理列名。您显然可以调整它)。 Also, due to transitive association (if a=b and b=c then a=c) I will join to the STAFF table and get the STAFF unique ID.此外,由于传递关联(如果 a=b 和 b=c 则 a=c),我将加入 STAFF 表并获得 STAFF 唯一 ID。 Also, by removing context of the "Role", I also made up a column for the StaffUserName.此外,通过删除“角色”的上下文,我还为 StaffUserName 创建了一个列。 This will eliminate the duplicate records because it rolls-up the totals per PERSON, not per the persons ROLE.这将消除重复记录,因为它汇总了每个人的总数,而不是每个人的角色。

        COUNT(*) NumRecs 
        tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt
            JOIN [tblstaff] S 
                ON ReqDt.AssignedToID = S.AD_Id
            INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req 
                ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id
                AND Req.TypeOfRequest = 1 
                -- apply the date filters directly to where you are getting queries 
                AND Req.crtddate >= '2017-04-01'  
                and Req.crtddate <= '2017-05-30'
            -- and only getting same criteria
            ReqDt.StatusCode IN ( 'COMP', 'PCR' ) 
        OR (    ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' 
            and ReqDt.SubStatusCode IN ( 'BENRE', 'BENSF', 'DRR', 'DRSO', 'RPSOFF' )

        COUNT(*) NumRecs
        tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt
            JOIN [tblstaff] S 
                ON ReqDt.AssignedToID = S.AD_Id
            INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req 
                ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id
               AND Req.TypeOfRequest = 1 
               -- apply the date filters directly to where you are getting queries 
               AND Req.crtddate >= '2017-04-01'  
               and Req.crtddate <= '2017-05-30'
        -- and only getting same criteria
            ReqDt.StatusCode IN ( 'COMP', 'PCR' ) 
        OR (    ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' 
            and ReqDt.SubStatusCode IN ( 'BENSF', 'DRSO', 'RPSOFF', 'RPC', 'TPRPC' )

        COUNT(*) NumRecs 
        tblTPRequestDetail ReqDt
            JOIN [tblstaff] S 
                ON ReqDt.AssignedToID = S.AD_Id
            INNER JOIN  tblTPRequest Req 
                ON ReqDt.RequestID = Req.Id
                AND Req.TypeOfRequest = 1 
                -- apply the date filters directly to where you are getting queries 
                AND Req.crtddate >= '2017-04-01'  
                and Req.crtddate <= '2017-05-30'
            -- and only getting same criteria
            ReqDt.StatusCode IN ( 'COMP', 'PCR' ) 
        OR (    ReqDt.StatusCode = 'AWIP' 
            and ReqDt.SubStatusCode IN ( 'RPSOFF', 'SCPC', 'TPSCPC' )

        REPLACE(S.Designation, 'IND ', '') as Designation, 
        S.Office as Location,
        coalesce( Assigned.NumRecs, 0 ) [Indian Benchmarking Assigned],
        coalesce( Reviewed.NumRecs, 0 ) [Indian Benchmarking Reviewed],
        coalesce( Signed.NumRecs, 0 ) [Indian Benchmarking Signed],
        coalesce( AllAssigned.NumRecs, 0 ) [All Indian Benchmarking Assigned],
        coalesce( AllReviewed.NumRecs, 0 ) [All Indian Benchmarking Reviewed],
        coalesce( AllSigned.NumRecs, 0 ) [All Indian Benchmarking Signed],
        coalesce( AllAssigned.NumRecs, 0 ) 
            + coalesce( AllReviewed.NumRecs, 0 ) 
            + coalesce( AllSigned.NumRecs, 0 ) [AllRecords]
        JOIN [tblstaff] S 
            LEFT JOIN #tmpAssigned Assigned
                on S.UniqueStaffID = Assigned.UniqueStaffID
            ( select sum(NumRecs) NumRecs 
                from #tmpAssigned ) AllAssigned
                on 1=1

            LEFT JOIN #tmpReviewed Reviewed
                on S.UniqueStaffID = Reviewed.UniqueStaffID
            ( select sum(NumRecs) NumRecs 
                from #tmpReviewed ) AllReviewed
                on 1=1

            LEFT JOIN #tmpSigned Signed
                on S.UniqueStaffID = Signed.UniqueStaffID
            ( select sum(NumRecs) NumRecs 
                from #tmpSigned ) AllSigned
                on 1=1
            U.Active = 1 
        and U.RoleId !=6

Since the pre-query of Assigned, Reviewed and Signed are pre-aggregated to at most, one user record at a time, you don't need to use a group by at the outer level.由于 Assigned、Reviewed 和 Signed 的预查询一次最多预聚合到一条用户记录,因此您无需在外层使用 group by。 Also, for the "TOTAL" of assigned, reviewed, signed, since those are not grouped, they will always be a single record representing the entire qualified pool of records of respective categories.此外,对于已分配、已审核、已签名的“总计”,由于这些未分组,它们将始终是代表各个类别的整个合格记录池的单个记录。 Should help you get your query done and totals as you were attempting.应该可以帮助您完成查询并在尝试时进行总计。

Update per comment feedback.根据评论反馈更新。

I am not using any "distinct" in my query and you must have added that.我的查询中没有使用任何“不同”,您必须添加它。 As for why, I can only assume that a single user ROLE ID may be associated with multiple Staff?至于为什么,我只能假设一个用户ROLE ID可能关联多个Staff? If you can edit your original post and share some SAMPLE Data representing such ROLES and STAFF might help (and do a couple roles/staff to see better correlation and obviously nothing truly private/confidential).如果您可以编辑您的原始帖子并分享一些代表此类角色和员工的样本数据可能会有所帮助(并做几个角色/员工以查看更好的相关性,显然没有真正的私人/机密)。 This is probably the source of multiple records.这可能是多条记录的来源。

I was under the impression that the "UserADID" was a unique user, not a user ROLE as this ID was assigned to the request detail.我的印象是“UserADID”是唯一用户,而不是用户角色,因为此 ID 已分配给请求详细信息。 I can only guess the impact but am now thinking you might have something like我只能猜测影响,但现在我想你可能有类似的东西

ApprovingRole ID = 1
   Office 1 Staff person ID X
   Office 2 Staff Person ID Y
   Office 3 Staff Person ID Z

ReviewingRole ID = 2
   Office 2 Staff person ID A
   Office 2 Staff Person ID Y
   Office 4 Staff person ID B

SigningRole ID = 3
   Office 2 Staff Person ID Y
   Office 4 Staff person ID B

In the above "sample data" above, you can see that staff person "Y" is a member of all 3 roles.在上面的“示例数据”中,您可以看到员工“Y”是所有 3 个角色的成员。 Staff person "B" is member of 2 roles.工作人员“B”是2个角色的成员。


So which "ID" is really handled here.那么这里真正处理的是哪个“ID”。 Is the Approving "Role" ID 1 tied to the request detail or is it the STAFF person X, Y, Z tied to.批准“角色”ID 1 是与请求详细信息相关联,还是与员工 X、Y、Z 相关联。

If the data is as I have it, and from your lack of sample data, how would I know which staff site / designation the underlying counts associated with.如果数据与我所拥有的一样,并且由于您缺乏样本数据,我怎么知道与哪个员工站点/指定相关的基础计数。 The totals are otherwise representative of the ROLD User ID, not the STAFF User ID.总计代表 ROLD 用户 ID,而不是 STAFF 用户 ID。 Let me know otherwise and I can edit results.否则请告诉我,我可以编辑结果。

So now you state there are duplicates for the same USER, not user ROLE, In that case.所以现在你 state 有相同的用户重复,而不是用户角色,在这种情况下。 we need to have each prequery temp joined all the way to the USER STAFF ID.我们需要将每个预查询 temp 一直连接到 USER STAFF ID。 not the ROLE ID.不是角色 ID。 I have modified the queries above.我已经修改了上面的查询。

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