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[英]How can I reuse a procedure that throws an exception?

The aim of this code is for a timer of 5 seconds to start after each tick, allowing the user 5 seconds to enter an input after each tick.这段代码的目的是在每次滴答后启动一个 5 秒的计时器,允许用户在每次滴答后有 5 秒的时间输入输入。 Now I have seen other methods of doing this such as System.currentTimeMillis();现在我已经看到了其他方法,例如System.currentTimeMillis(); , but I don't think that this will work for this instance. ,但我认为这不适用于这种情况。

  import java.util.Scanner; // Imports scanner utility
  import java.util.Random; // Imports the random utility to generate a random number.
  import java.lang.Math; // Imports the math utility used for mathematical functions.
  import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; // Time utility used for time related functions.
  import java.util.Timer;
  import java.util.TimerTask;
  import java.io.*;

  class alienPet
    alien ufo = new alien(); // The alien is created outside of a class so that it can be altered in different methods.
      public static void main (String[] param)
          // We want to call all of the functions
          // and procedures to make an interactive
          // alien program for the user.
          alienPet a = new alienPet();
          a.welcomeMessage(); // The class a is created in order to call non-static methods from a static method.

          // System.exit(0);

      } // END main

        /* ***************************************
        *   Define a method to obtain the users input
        * and start the correct method.

        public String userInput (String message)
          Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
          String inp;
          if (message.equals("")){

          inp = scan.nextLine();
              return inp;
        } // END userInput

        /* ***************************************
      * Define a method to print messages.

      public void print (String message)
      } // END print

      /* ***************************************
      * Define a method to welcome the user to the game
      * and enlighten them on how to play.

      public void welcomeMessage ()
        print("Thank you for playing the pet alien game");
        print("In this game, you will have to look after your own alien.");
        print("There is multiple aspects to looking after your alien, such as:");
        print("Hunger, Behaviour and Thirst.");
        print("The game ticks every five seconds, with the hunger and thirst levels dropping with each tick.");
        print("When prompted, you can use the following commands:");
        print("feed -> Replenishes alien to max hunger level");
        print("drink -> Replenished thirst level to max");
        print("exit -> Will end the game immediately.");
      } // END welcomeMessage

      /* ***************************************
      * Define a method to create alien

      public void alienCreation ()
        ufo.name = userInput("What would you like to name your new alien?");
        ufo.hungerRate = ranNum(1, 6);
        print("Congratulations on your new alien, " + ufo.name);
        print("On a scale of 1-6, your alien, " + ufo.name + ", has a hunger rate of " + ufo.hungerRate);
      } // END alienCreation

      /* ***************************************
      * Define a method to display the current
      * behaviour of the alien

      public void alienBehaviour (int hunger) {
          if (hunger <= 2){
              print(ufo.name + " is very hungry, and is dangerously angry!!");
              String action = userInput("You should feed it as soon as possible. (by typing 'feed')");
              if (action.equals("feed")){
              }else if (action.equals("drink")) {
                  print("That is a dangerous decision.");
          }else if (hunger <= 4) {
            print(ufo.name + " is mildly hungry, but is in a calm state.");
              String action = userInput("Would you like to take any actions?");
              if (action.equals("feed")){
              }else if (action.equals("drink")) {
          }else if (hunger <= 6) {
            print(ufo.name + " is not hungry and is in a happy state.");
              String action = userInput("Would you like to take any actions?");
              if (action.equals("feed")){
              }else if (action.equals("drink")) {
      } // END alienBehaviour

      /* ***************************************
      * Define a method to feed the alien

      public void feedAlien() {
          ufo.hungerRate = 6;
          print(ufo.name + "'s hunger level replenished to max level 6.");
          print(ufo.name + " is now at a happy level.");
      } // END feedAlien

      /* ***************************************
      * Define a method to hydrate the alien

      public void alienDrink() {
        ufo.thirst = 6;
        print(ufo.name + "'s thirst level replenished to max level 6.");
      } // END alienDrink

    /* ***************************************
      * Define a method to do an in-game tick

    public void tick() {
        if (ufo.age == 100) {
            print("It is a sad day.");
            print(ufo.name + " has finally reached the age of 100 after a good life and has gone to the after life.");
            print("Well done!");
        if (ufo.hungerRate < 0){
            print("Oh no! " + ufo.name + " has died of hunger!");
            print("GAME OVER!");
            ufo.alive = false;
        } else if (ufo.thirst < 0){
            print("Oh no! " + ufo.name + " has died of dehydration!");
            print("GAME OVER!");
            ufo.alive = false;
        }else {
            print(ufo.name + "'s current stats:");
            print("-Hunger level = " + ufo.hungerRate);
            print("-Hydration level = " + ufo.thirst);
            print("-Age = " + ufo.age + " days old");
        if (ufo.hungerRate > 0){
            if (ufo.age % 2 == 0) {
                if (ufo.hungerRate <= 2){
                print(ufo.name + " is very hungry, and is dangerously angry!!");
                }else if (ufo.hungerRate <= 4) {
                print(ufo.name + " is mildly hungry, but is in a calm state.");
                }else if (ufo.hungerRate <= 6) {
                print(ufo.name + " is not hungry and is in a happy state.");
        catch (Exception e) {

    } // END tick

    private String act = "";

    TimerTask task = new TimerTask()
        public void run()
            if( act.equals("") )

    /* ***************************************
      * Define a method to get a user input
      * with a time limit of 5 seconds.

    public void getInput() throws Exception
        Timer timer = new Timer();
        timer.schedule( task, 5*1000 );

        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
        new InputStreamReader( System.in ) );
        act = in.readLine();

        if (act.equals("feed")){
        }else if (act.equals("drink")) {
        }else if (act.equals("exit")) {

    } // END getInput

    /* ***************************************
      * Define a method to end the game and
      * display the results

    public void gameEnd() {
        if (ufo.alive == false) {
            print("Your alien, " + ufo.name + ", lasted " + ufo.age + " days.");
        }else {
            print("Well done you kept your alien, " + ufo.name + ", alive for " + ufo.age + " days.");

      public int ranNum(int min, int max){ // A function that generates a random integer wihin a given range.
        Random random = new Random();
        return random.ints(min,(max+1)).findFirst().getAsInt();
    } // END ranNum

  } // END class alienPet

  class alien {
      String name;
      int age = 0;
      int hungerRate;
      int thirst = 6;
      Boolean alive = true;

The procedure that is throwing the exception is getInput() , I want to reuse this but it seems as if the timer will only start once and will not start again, so tick() is just cycled over and over immediately.引发异常的过程是getInput() ,我想重用它,但似乎计时器只会启动一次并且不会再次启动,所以tick()只是立即循环一遍又一遍。 As I am a java amateur, any help would be greatly appreciated.由于我是 java 业余爱好者,因此将不胜感激。

A TimerTask cannot be reused across Timers. TimerTask 不能跨 Timer 重用。 To solve this particular problem create a new TimerTask each time you need to schedule for tick to run.为了解决这个特殊问题,每次您需要安排滴答运行时创建一个新的 TimerTask。

private getTimerTask(){
    return new TimerTask()
        public void run()
            if( act.equals("") )

And in getInput()在 getInput()

timer.schedule( getTimerTask(), 5*1000 );

Though this might work, would suggest to instead try use a single timer that runs every 5 seconds instead of creating one for each input call.尽管这可能有效,但建议改为尝试使用每 5 秒运行一次的单个计时器,而不是为每个输入调用创建一个计时器。

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