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[英]How can I get the name of the class that throws a custom made Exception

I'm preparing a project for college where I need to write a custom made exception that will be thrown by a couple of classes in the same package when they were not initialized properly. 我正在准备一个用于大学的项目,我需要编写一个自定义的异常,当它们未正确初始化时,该异常将由同一包中的几个类抛出。 The problem is that I must let the user know which of those classes wasn't initialized properly (and throwed the exception)... So I was thinking about something like this: 问题是我必须让用户知道那些类中的哪些没有正确初始化(并引发了异常)……所以我在想这样的事情:

class InitializationException extends Exception {

private static final String DEFAULT_MSG =
            "This " + CLASSNAME-THROWINGME + " had not been initialized properly!";

    protected String msg;

InitializationException() {
    this.msg = DEFAULT_MSG;

    InitializationException(String msg) {
    this.msg = msg;

(btw, can it be achieved via reflection?) (顺便说一句,可以通过反射实现吗?)

Look at Throwable.getStackTrace() . 查看Throwable.getStackTrace() Each StackTraceElement has getClassName() . 每个StackTraceElement都有getClassName() You can look at element [0] to determine the origination of the exception. 您可以查看元素[0]以确定异常的来源。

Something like: 就像是:

StackTraceElement[] trace = theException.getStackTrace();
String className = trace[0].getClassName();

(Though I'm not quite sure whether you want the first element or the last in the trace.) (尽管我不太确定是要跟踪中的第一个元素还是最后一个。)

(And note that you can create a Throwable and do getStackTrace() on it, without ever throwing it, to find out who called you (which would be trace element 1).) (请注意,您可以创建一个Throwable并对其进行getStackTrace(),而无需抛出它,以找出谁打了您(这将是跟踪元素1)。)

I would just pass the throwing class into the constructor, like this: 我只是将throwing类传递给构造函数,如下所示:

public class InitializationException extends Exception {

    public InitializationException(Class<?> throwingClass) { ... }

class InitializationException extends Exception {
    private final String classname;
    InitializationException(String msg, Object origin) {
        this.classname = origin != null ? origin.getClass().toString() : null;
    public String getClassname() {
        return this.classname;

. . . . throw new InitializationException("Something went wrong", this); 抛出新的InitializationException(“出问题了”,这个);

Its a workaround: 解决方法:

you could pass the classname within the Constructor, something like 您可以在构造函数中传递类名,例如

throw new  InitializationException(getClass().getName());

or may be call the class like 或者可以像

throw new InitializationException(this);

and handle the name extraction in your excpetin class 并在您的excpetin类别中处理名称提取

 InitializationExcpetion(Object context){ 
this.name = getClass().getName() 

The answer is you force the class throwing the exception to tell the exception which class it is: 答案是您强制类抛出异常以告知异常它是哪个类:

public class InitializationException extends Exception {

    public InitializationException(Class<?> c) {
        super( "The class " + c.getName()+ " had not been initialized properly!");

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