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能否阻止 Outlook 桌面上的加载项?

[英]Ability to block add-in on Outlook desktop?

If the august community call it was shown that OfficeJS now supports blocking add-ins to load on specific environments, like Windows.如果 8 月的社区调用显示 OfficeJS 现在支持阻止加载项加载到特定环境,例如 Windows。 But it appears only not to be available for Outlook.但它似乎仅不适用于 Outlook。 Is that indeed the case?真的是这样吗? Is there already a way to make sure and addin is not loaded in Outlook Desktop, but only on web and Mac?是否已经有办法确保 Outlook 桌面中未加载插件,但仅在 web 和 Mac 上加载?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!任何帮助将不胜感激!

Regards, Rick问候,瑞克

Seems like you're likely referring to the community call presentation about how you can add COM compatibility to your Office (web) Add-in by specifying the equivalent COM add-in in the Office Add-in manifest file.似乎您可能指的是有关如何通过在 Office 加载项清单文件中指定等效的 COM 加载项来将 COM 兼容性添加到 Office(Web)加载项的社区电话演示。 Currently this feature is only supported by Excel, Word, and PowerPoint, as described in the docs .目前,此功能仅受 Excel、Word 和 PowerPoint 支持,如文档中所述。

However, please note that if you're looking for a way to make it so that your Office (web) Add-in will be available on web and Mac but not on Windows -- even when there's no equivalent COM add-in specified/present -- this feature doesn't enable that scenario.但是,请注意,如果您正在寻找一种方法,以便您的 Office(Web)加载项将在 web 和 Mac 上可用,但在 Windows 上不可用 -即使没有等效的 ZD47C174ED277BDF706CFC72763 指定/C present - 此功能不会启用该场景。 An equivalent COM add-in must be specified in the Office (web) Add-in manifest and that COM add-in must be present in order for the Office (web) Add-in to not be available for the user on Windows.必须在 Office (web) 加载项清单中指定等效的 COM 加载项,并且必须存在 COM 加载项才能使 Office (web) 加载项对 ZAEA23489CE3AA9B6406EBB28E 上的用户不可用。 Please see the docs I've linked to above for more details about this feature.有关此功能的更多详细信息,请参阅我上面链接到的文档。

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