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如何在 React Native 中单击不同页面上的按钮?

[英]How to click a button on a different page in React Native?

If I'm on page 2 and I want to click a button on Homepage, how do I do it?如果我在第 2 页,我想点击主页上的按钮,我该怎么做?

In Javascript, we can just do query selector and DOM manipulation but that functionality doesn't exist in React Native在 Javascript 中,我们可以只进行查询选择器和 DOM 操作,但 React Native 中不存在该功能

You can achieve this by sending and receiving events.您可以通过发送和接收事件来实现这一点。

Using event bus you can fire some events from screen A and receive/catch those events in screen B. While you receive those events, perform the functionality which you want.使用事件总线,您可以从屏幕 A 触发一些事件并在屏幕 B 中接收/捕获这些事件。当您接收这些事件时,执行您想要的功能。

This is the least code correct implementation which you need.这是您需要的最少代码正确实现。

Also, please dont remove the event in componentDidUnmount另外,请不要删除componentDidUnmount中的事件

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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