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方法中未定义用户类型宏错误 vba

[英]User type not defined macro error vba in method

I am trying to call a sub function, but fails with an error:我正在尝试调用子 function,但失败并出现错误:

User type not defined on the saveas method at this line.此行的 saveas 方法上未定义用户类型。 Maybe presentation isn't being processed in vba也许演示文稿没有在 vba 中处理

The error is on the first line of SavePDFAsPng :错误出现在SavePDFAsPng的第一行:

Dim oPres As Presentation

Here is the whole macro:这是整个宏:

Sub Button1_Click()
    Call SavePDFAsPng("C:\Users\gfas1\Desktop\ahm.pdf", "C:\Users\gfas1\Desktop\MyTest.PNG")
End Sub

Sub SavePDFAsPng(sPathToPDF As String, sPathToPNG As String)

            Dim oPres As Presentation
            Dim oSh As Shape

            ' Height/Width are hardcoded here
            ' You could get trickier and bring the PDF into any presentation
            ' once to get its proportions, delete it, set the slide size to the same
            ' proportions, then re-insert the PDF
            Dim sngWidth As Single
            Dim sngHeight As Single
            sngWidth = 612
            sngHeight = 792

            Set oPres = Presentations.Add
            With oPres
                With .PageSetup ' set it to 8.5x11
                    .SlideHeight = sngHeight  ' 11in * 72 points per inch
                    .SlideWidth = sngWidth
                End With
                .Slides.AddSlide 1, .SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(1)
                With .Slides(1)
                    Set oSh = .Shapes.AddOLEObject(0, 0, sngWidth, sngHeight, , sPathToPDF)
                    Call .Export(sPathToPNG, "PNG")
                End With
                .Saved = True

            End With

        End Sub

You tagged the question with "Excel", so I assume you're trying to run this macro in Excel, which won't work because the Presentation type is not in Excel by default.你用“Excel”标记了这个问题,所以我假设你试图在 Excel 中运行这个宏,这不起作用,因为Presentation类型默认不在 Excel 中。

It's in PowerPoint:它在 PowerPoint 中:

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/overview/powerpoint/object-model https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/overview/powerpoint/object-model

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/powerpoint.presentation https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/powerpoint.presentation

You need to run this macro in PowerPoint, not Excel.您需要在 PowerPoint 中运行此宏,而不是 Excel。

You can run it in Excel, but you need to import the PowerPoint type-library into your Excel VBA project, but that's a separate question.可以在 Excel 中运行它,但您需要将 PowerPoint 类型库导入 Excel VBA 项目,但这是一个单独的问题。

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