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方法中未定义用户类型宏错误 vba

[英]User type not defined macro error vba in method

我正在尝试调用子 function,但失败并出现错误:

此行的 saveas 方法上未定义用户类型。 也许演示文稿没有在 vba 中处理


Dim oPres As Presentation


Sub Button1_Click()
    Call SavePDFAsPng("C:\Users\gfas1\Desktop\ahm.pdf", "C:\Users\gfas1\Desktop\MyTest.PNG")
End Sub

Sub SavePDFAsPng(sPathToPDF As String, sPathToPNG As String)

            Dim oPres As Presentation
            Dim oSh As Shape

            ' Height/Width are hardcoded here
            ' You could get trickier and bring the PDF into any presentation
            ' once to get its proportions, delete it, set the slide size to the same
            ' proportions, then re-insert the PDF
            Dim sngWidth As Single
            Dim sngHeight As Single
            sngWidth = 612
            sngHeight = 792

            Set oPres = Presentations.Add
            With oPres
                With .PageSetup ' set it to 8.5x11
                    .SlideHeight = sngHeight  ' 11in * 72 points per inch
                    .SlideWidth = sngWidth
                End With
                .Slides.AddSlide 1, .SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(1)
                With .Slides(1)
                    Set oSh = .Shapes.AddOLEObject(0, 0, sngWidth, sngHeight, , sPathToPDF)
                    Call .Export(sPathToPNG, "PNG")
                End With
                .Saved = True

            End With

        End Sub

你用“Excel”标记了这个问题,所以我假设你试图在 Excel 中运行这个宏,这不起作用,因为Presentation类型默认不在 Excel 中。

它在 PowerPoint 中:



您需要在 PowerPoint 中运行此宏,而不是 Excel。

可以在 Excel 中运行它,但您需要将 PowerPoint 类型库导入 Excel VBA 项目,但这是一个单独的问题。


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