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[英]Where am I going wrong with this list comprehension?

I want to extract the 4 digit year (2000) from a string or return None or NaN if its not present.我想从字符串中提取 4 位数的年份(2000),如果不存在则返回NoneNaN

w = 'A70-11370; reprint; rolled; 2000; 26.5 x 38.5'

I tried this but I get a syntax error.我试过这个,但我得到一个语法错误。

[int(i) for i in w.split(';') if i.isnumeric() else np.nan]

I'd strip the whitespace and reposition the validation check:我会去掉空格并重新定位验证检查:

In[0]: [int(i.strip()) if str(i.strip()).isnumeric() else np.NaN for i in w.split(';')]
Out[0]: [nan, nan, nan, 2000, nan]

This must surely work这肯定有效

x=w.split('; ')

if x[3] == ' ':
    print ("null")
    print (x[3])

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