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如何使用 `subprocess` 模块执行 __name__== '__main__ ' * without* 下面的 python 代码?

[英]How to execute the python code below __name__== '__main__ ' *without* using the `subprocess` module?

I have a python script with the form我有一个格式为 python 的脚本

if __name__=='__main__':
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

From another python script, how can I execute the code below __name__ == '__main__' without using the subprocess module?从另一个 python 脚本中,如何在使用subprocess进程模块的情况下执行__name__ == '__main__'下面的代码?

[Edit] In addition, my python script takes input parameters with the argparse module. [编辑] 此外,我的 python 脚本使用argparse模块获取输入参数。 I also need to pass parameters when executing the code below the __name__ part.在执行__name__部分下面的代码时,我还需要传递参数。

you might be able to get away with:你也许可以逃脱:

import sys
imp_new_module = type(sys)
new_module = imp_new_module(module_name)
new_module.__dict__['__name__'] = '__main__'
exec(open(scriptname).read(), new_module.__dict__)

But you shouldn't do it... :)但你不应该这样做...... :)

(updated question) (更新的问题)

Oh, since you're at it you can also import os, sys and then update sys.argv to what you want to pass on (eg sys.argv = [os.path.abspath('file.py'), '--my', 'par']) ... did I mention that you really shouldn't?哦,既然你在这,你也可以import os, sys然后更新sys.argv到你想要传递的内容(例如sys.argv = [os.path.abspath('file.py'), '--my', 'par']) ...我有没有提到你真的不应该这样做?

Seriously, if you have control over the script that you are calling you might want to put the code under if __name__ == '__main__': in a function说真的,如果您可以控制正在调用的脚本,您可能希望将代码放在if __name__ == '__main__': function 中

def main(argv):

if __name__ == '__main__':

Or better still define a function (or functions, object) in the script that provides an API better suited to be called from a script, which is also called from __name__ == '__main__' based on what is found in sys.argv .或者更好的是在脚本中定义一个 function(或函数、对象),以提供更适合从脚本调用的 API,该脚本也根据sys.argv中的内容从__name__ == '__main__'调用。


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