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[英]How transform data from tree of objects to array of objects like this

I want to convert data from an object tree to an array of objects of this kind我想将 object 树中的数据转换为此类对象的数组

I can't do if you can give me an algorithm or a solution to this problem.如果你能给我一个算法或解决这个问题的方法,我做不到。 Any thought you can grab onto.任何你可以抓住的想法。 My brain refuses to work.我的大脑拒绝工作。


const input = {
  p1: {
    s1: {
      title: 'scene 1',
      description: 'description 1',
      value: 1,
    s2: {
      title: 'scene 2',
      description: 'description 2',
      value: 32,
    s3: {
      title: 'scene 3',
      description: 'description 3',
      value: 89,
    s4: {
      title: 'scene 3',
      description: 'description 3',
      value: 0,
  p2: {
    s5: {
      title: 'scene 5',
      description: 'description 5',
      value: 0,
    s6: {
      title: 'scene 6',
      description: 'description 6',
      value: 42,
    s7: {
      title: 'scene 7',
      description: 'description 7',
      value: -9,


  { projectId: 'p1', sceneId: 's1', value: 1, title: 'scene 1' },
  { projectId: 'p1', sceneId: 's2', value: 32, title: 'scene 2' },
  { projectId: 'p1', sceneId: 's3', value: 89, title: 'scene 3' },
  { projectId: 'p2', sceneId: 's6', value: 42, title: 'scene 6' },

I tried to do this with Object.entries and Array.reduce with recursive function, but I can't do it two days... :D我试图用 Object.entries 和 Array.reduce 用递归 function 来做到这一点,但我两天做不到......:D

that's my attempts那是我的尝试

const recursive = (obj, lvl = 0) => {
  if (typeof obj !== 'object') {

  const value = Object.entries(obj);

  return value.reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
    if (typeof value !== 'object') {
      return {...acc, [key]: value};
    if (lvl === 0) {

      return {...recursive(value, lvl + 1), sceneId: key };

  }, {})

const transform = (data) => {

  const a = Object.entries(data);
  return a.reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
    return [...acc, recursive(value)];
  }, [])



Please, help.请帮忙。

You could take a dynamic approach by hand over the wanted keys for nested objects and the values keys for getting a flat result set.您可以通过手动传递嵌套对象的所需键和获取平面结果集的值键来采取动态方法。

 function getFlat(object, keys, values) { function iter(object, [key, ...keys], temp = {}) { if (key === undefined) { if (object.value > 0) { result.push(values.reduce((t, k) => ({...t, [k]: object[k] }), temp)); } return; } Object.entries(object).forEach(([k, v]) => iter(v, keys, {...temp, [key]: k })); } var result = []; iter(object, keys); return result; } var input = { p1: { s1: { title: 'scene 1', description: 'description 1', value: 1 }, s2: { title: 'scene 2', description: 'description 2', value: 32 }, s3: { title: 'scene 3', description: 'description 3', value: 89 }, s4: { title: 'scene 3', description: 'description 3', value: 0 } }, p2: { s5: { title: 'scene 5', description: 'description 5', value: 0 }, s6: { title: 'scene 6', description: 'description 6', value: 42 }, s7: { title: 'scene 7', description: 'description 7', value: -9 } } }, output = getFlat(input, ['projectId', 'sceneId'], ['value', 'title']); console.log(output);
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100%;important: top; 0; }

   let projects = [];
    for (let project in input) {
        for (let scene in input[project]) {
            projects.push( { projectId: project, sceneId: scene, value: input[project][scene].value, title: input[project][scene].title })

Or something like this:或者是这样的:

Object.keys(input).flatMap(project => {
        return Object.keys(input[project]).map( scene => {
            return { projectId: project, sceneId: scene, value: input[project][scene].value, title: input[project][scene].title }

this should do the job too:这也应该做的工作:

 const map = (projectId, scenes) => R.reduce( (res, [sceneId, scene]) => res.concat( R.mergeRight(scene, { sceneId, projectId }), ), [], scenes, ); const mapScenes = R.useWith(map, [ R.identity, R.toPairs, ]); const toArray = R.pipe( R.toPairs, R.map( R.apply(mapScenes), ), ); const data = { p1: { s1: { title: 'scene 1', description: 'description 1', value: 1, }, s2: { title: 'scene 2', description: 'description 2', value: 32, }, s3: { title: 'scene 3', description: 'description 3', value: 89, }, s4: { title: 'scene 3', description: 'description 3', value: 0, }, }, p2: { s5: { title: 'scene 5', description: 'description 5', value: 0, }, s6: { title: 'scene 6', description: 'description 6', value: 42, }, s7: { title: 'scene 7', description: 'description 7', value: -9, }, }, }; console.log('result', toArray(data));
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