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如何更新我的 Spyder 3.3.6 版启动图标?

[英]How do I update my Spyder version 3.3.6 launch icon?

A few weeks ago, I installed Anaconda and Spyder 3.1.3 on my Pixelbook's Debian/Crostini VM.几周前,我在我的 Pixelbook 的 Debian/Crostini VM 上安装了 Anaconda 和 Spyder 3.1.3。 A few days ago, I upgraded to Spyder 3.3.6 Since I'm new to Spyder, I tried to keep the original installation as user-friendly as possible by using Anaconda and Package Manager.几天前,我升级到 Spyder 3.3.6 由于我是 Spyder 的新手,我尝试通过使用 Anaconda 和 Package 管理器使原始安装尽可能用户友好。 See the code I used to update Spyder below:请参阅下面我用来更新 Spyder 的代码:

#upgrade Spyder
# https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/releases
$ conda update qt pyqt
conda install spyder=3.3.6

Issue: Clicking the Spyder launch icon still opens the old 3.1.3 version.问题:单击 Spyder 启动图标仍会打开旧的 3.1.3 版本。 How do I update the icon to launch version 3.3.6?如何更新图标以启动 3.3.6 版? Also, I do not need the old version... should I uninstall it?另外,我不需要旧版本...我应该卸载它吗? If so, how?如果是这样,怎么做?

Typing "spyder" in the terminal launches version 3.3.6, while typing "spyder3" in the terminal launches version 3.1.3.在终端中输入“spyder”会启动 3.3.6 版,而在终端中输入“spyder3”会启动 3.1.3 版。

(conda_env) jaromf@penguin:~$ spyder3
(conda_env) jaromf@penguin:~$ spyder
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-jaromf'

BTW - only "spyder" version 3.3.6 returns the XDG_RUNTIME... line (could this be related to the issue?)顺便说一句 - 只有“spyder”版本 3.3.6 返回 XDG_RUNTIME... 行(这可能与问题有关吗?)

$ sudo apt-get remove spyder3 successfully removed the old 3.1.3 version while not disturbing the newer 3.3.6 version. $ sudo apt-get remove spyder3成功删除了旧的 3.1.3 版本,同时不干扰较新的 3.3.6 版本。 The old icon was also automatically removed.旧图标也被自动删除。 Since I usually open spyder from the terminal, I'm not too concerned about creating an icon for the 3.3.6 version由于我通常是从终端打开spyder,所以我不太关心为3.3.6版本创建图标

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