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我如何在 react js 项目中使用 react form builder 2

[英]how can i use react form builder 2 in react js project

I have been trying to use react form builder 2 for my project but i cannot understand how to require it and then display form through it can anyone help please iam new at react js and in the past i have been just importing the library after installing but in this case i dont have the tags to import iam finding it difficult to use it.?我一直在尝试为我的项目使用react form builder 2,但我不明白如何要求它,然后通过它显示表单任何人都可以帮助我是react js的新手,过去我只是在安装后导入库但是在这种情况下,我没有要导入的标签,我发现很难使用它。?

basic usage
var React = require('react');
var FormBuilder = require('react-form-builder2');

  <FormBuilder.ReactFormBuilder />,
var items = [{
  key: 'Header',
  name: 'Header Text',
  icon: 'fa fa-header',
  static: true,
  content: 'Placeholder Text...'
  key: 'Paragraph',
  name: 'Paragraph',
  static: true,
  icon: 'fa fa-paragraph',
  content: 'Placeholder Text...'

  saveUrl='path/to/POST/built/form.json' />
React Form Generator
Now that a form is built and saved, let's generate it from the saved json.

var React = require('react');
var FormBuilder = require('react-form-builder2');

    task_id={12} // Used to submit a hidden variable with the id to the form from the database.
    answer_data={JSON_ANSWERS} // Answer data, only used if loading a pre-existing form with values.
    authenticity_token={AUTH_TOKEN} // If using Rails and need an auth token to submit form.
    data={JSON_QUESTION_DATA} // Question data

Try with https://github.com/rjsf-team/react-jsonschema-form you can choose the design of output.尝试使用https://github.com/rjsf-team/react-jsonschema-form可以选择 output 的设计。 and if you need a visual builder, you can use my project https://github.com/MedinaGitHub/react-jsonschema-form-builder如果您需要可视化构建器,可以使用我的项目https://github.com/MedinaGitHub/react-jsonschema-form-builder

You should add bootstrap & font-awesome style sheets to index.html https://github.com/Kiho/react-form-builder/blob/master/public/index.html#L5您应该将引导程序和字体真棒样式表添加到 index.html https://github.com/Kiho/react-form-b uilder/blob/master/public/index.html#L5

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