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如何在 React js 中使用单独的验证表单

[英]how to use separate validation form in react js

I am new to ReactJS.我是 ReactJS 的新手。

I want to separate the validation code from this file and move it to a new file that handles validation.我想从这个文件中分离验证代码并将其移动到一个处理验证的新文件中。

When I am trying to send the props from the render method, it is showing the validation three or four times.当我尝试从渲染方法发送道具时,它显示验证三到四次。 I know this is not the right way to do this.我知道这不是正确的方法。

import React from 'react';
import { Button, Form, FormGroup, Label, Input } from 'reactstrap';
import { NotificationManager } from 'react-notifications';
import {AddService} from '../../api/service'
import { CSelect } from '@coreui/react';
import Validation from '../validation/service'

class AddEditForm extends React.Component {

    state = {
        id: '',
        name: '',
        description: '',
        price: '',
        validation : false,

    onChange = e => {
        this.setState({ [e.target.name]: e.target.value })

    submitFormAdd = async(e) => {
        e.preventDefault ()
        await this.Validation()
        if (this.state.validation == true) {

    submitFormEdit = async(e) => {
        e.preventDefault ()
        await this.Validation()
        if (this.state.validation == true) {


    Validation = (e) => {

        let isnum = /^\d+$/.test(this.state.price);
        if (!this.state.name) {
            NotificationManager.error('Please Enter Service Name', 'Info', 2000)
            return false;
        if (!this.state.description) {
            NotificationManager.error('Please Enter Description', 'Info', 2000)
            return false;
        if (!this.state.price) {
            NotificationManager.error('Please Phone price', 'Error', 2000)
            return false
        if (!this.state.duration) {
            NotificationManager.error('Please Service Duration', 'Error', 2000)
            return false
        if (isnum !== true) {
            NotificationManager.error('Please Enter Price in Number', 'Error', 2000)
            return false
        else {
           this.setState({validation : true})

    componentDidMount() {
        if (this.props.item) {
            const { id, name, description, price, duration } = this.props.item
            this.setState({ id, name, description, price, duration })

    render() {
        return (
            <Form onSubmit={this.props.item ? this.submitFormEdit : this.submitFormAdd}>
                    <Label for="name">Name</Label>
                    <Input type="text" name="name" id="name" onChange={this.onChange} value={this.state.name === null ? '' : this.state.name} />
                    <Label for="description">Description</Label>
                    <Input type="text" name="description" id="description" onChange={this.onChange} value={this.state.description === null ? '' : this.state.description} />
                    <Label for="price">Price</Label>
                    <Input type="price" name="price" id="price" onChange={this.onChange} value={this.state.price === null ? '' : this.state.price} />
                    <Label for="duration">Duration</Label>
                    <CSelect custom size="lg" name="selectLg" id="selectLg" value={this.state.duration} onChange={(e) => this.setState({duration : e.target.value})}>
                      <option value="">Select Duration</option>
                      <option value="3 Months">3 Months</option>
                      <option value="6 Months">6 Months</option>
                      <option value="1 year">1 year</option>
                      <option value="2 year">2 year</option>
                      <option value="4 year">4 year</option>

export default AddEditForm

I want form validation in separate file and validate it through prop:我想在单独的文件中进行表单验证并通过 prop 进行验证:

Validation = (e) => {

        let isnum = /^\d+$/.test(this.state.price);
        if (!this.state.name) {
            NotificationManager.error('Please Enter Service Name', 'Info', 2000)
            return false;
        if (!this.state.description) {
            NotificationManager.error('Please Enter Description', 'Info', 2000)
            return false;
        if (!this.state.price) {
            NotificationManager.error('Please Phone price', 'Error', 2000)
            return false
        if (!this.state.duration) {
            NotificationManager.error('Please Service Duration', 'Error', 2000)
            return false
        if (isnum !== true) {
            NotificationManager.error('Please Enter Price in Number', 'Error', 2000)
            return false
        else {
           this.setState({validation : true})

All you need to do is create the file and create a function in that file.您需要做的就是创建文件并在该文件中创建 function。 This question has an answer that explains it这个问题有一个解释它的答案

How to create helper file full of functions in react native? 如何在本机反应中创建充满功能的帮助文件?

you need to create the file validation.js你需要创建文件validation.js


export function validation(e){
//your code


then import it in the file you currently have like this然后像这样将它导入您当前拥有的文件中

import {validation} from './utils/validation'

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