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一个简单的可重现示例,在 ZE1E1D3D405731837E 中的自定义 function 中将 arguments 传递给 data.table

[英]A simple reproducible example to pass arguments to data.table in a self-defined function in R

I have been googling this answer for a few hours.我已经在谷歌上搜索了这个答案几个小时。 A lot of people have asked similar questions, but I did not find either a simple enough question or a straightforward answer.很多人都问过类似的问题,但我没有找到一个足够简单的问题或一个直截了当的答案。 Here is my approach:这是我的方法:

Assume that I want to do a simple group by in data.table :假设我想在data.table中做一个简单的分组:

mtcars = data.table(mtcars)
mtcars[,sum(mpg), gear]

# Here are the results
#   gear    V1
#1:    4 294.4
#2:    3 241.6
#3:    5 106.9

However, if I use a self-defined function to do this:但是,如果我使用自定义的 function 来执行此操作:

zz = function(data, var, group){
  return(data[,sum(var), group])
zz(mtcars, mpg, gear)

I got an error message:我收到一条错误消息:

Error in eval(bysub, parent.frame(), parent.frame()): object 'gear' not found eval 中的错误(bysub、parent.frame()、parent.frame()):未找到 object 'gear'

I've tried substitute , eval , quote , and other solutions, but none of them works.我尝试了substituteevalquote和其他解决方案,但它们都不起作用。 I wonder if anyone could give a more straightforward solution and explanation to this.我想知道是否有人可以对此给出更直接的解决方案和解释。

Thank you and happy Halloween!谢谢你,万圣节快乐!

If we are using unquoted arguments, substitute and eval uate如果我们使用未引用的eval ,请substitute并评估

zz <- function(data, var, group){
 var <- substitute(var)
 group <- substitute(group)
 setnames(data[, sum(eval(var)), by = group],
        c(deparse(group), deparse(var)))[]
 # or use
 #  setnames(data[, sum(eval(var)), by = c(deparse(group))], 2, deparse(var))[]

zz(mtcars, mpg, gear)
#   gear   mpg
#1:    4 294.4
#2:    3 241.6
#3:    5 106.9

While not perfect, the ... argument can be helpful:虽然不完美,但...论点可能会有所帮助:

zz = function(dt, ...){

zz(mtcars, , sum(mpg), gear)

   gear    V1
1:    4 294.4
2:    3 241.6
3:    5 106.9

I don't really see the point in writing a function that takes unquoted arguments.我真的不明白写一个 function 没有引用 arguments 的意义。 Why not just use the data.table syntax directly?为什么不直接使用 data.table 语法呢?

If you want to write a function it makes more sense to take a character vector of column names since this is way more programmable than symbols (think about programming with setkey versus setkeyv or writing functions to create ggplots with aes versus aes_string ) The downside is that the internal of the function is messy and requires eval(parse(text=.))) NSE in order for GForce to work correctly, but the function interface is more extensible.如果您想编写 function ,则采用列名的字符向量更有意义,因为这比符号更具可编程性(考虑使用setkeysetkeyv编程或编写函数以使用aesaes_string )缺点是function 的内部很乱,需要 eval(parse(text=.))) NSE 才能使 GForce 正常工作,但 function 接口更具可扩展性。

zz = function(data, var, group){
zz(mtcars, "mpg", "gear")

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