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如何优化 foreach 语句的 EF 性能

[英]How to optimize EF performance on foreach statement

Here is my code;这是我的代码; as you can see, I am saving changes for each row, but I want to make performance faster because I have large amount of data every time, like 50.000 or 100.000 rows or more.如您所见,我正在为每一行保存更改,但我希望提高性能,因为我每次都有大量数据,例如 50.000 或 100.000 行或更多。 This takes a lot of time to finish.这需要很长时间才能完成。

How can I improve my EF SaveChanges performance?如何提高我的 EF SaveChanges性能? I tried bulksave, bulkupdate with some third party library, but it is not updating in the database.我尝试使用一些第三方库进行批量保存、批量更新,但它没有在数据库中更新。 This takes 2 hours to update 50.000 rows.更新 50.000 行需要 2 小时。 I want to improve time for this method.我想改进这种方法的时间。

private void TransferOrders()
    using (var context = new BbsfDbContext())

        var sapOrders = context.SapOrders
                               .Where(p => p.VBTYP != null && 
                                           p.VBTYP.ToLower() == OrderDocumentType && 
                                           p.IsRead == false)
                                //.Where(p => p.VBTYP != null && p.VBTYP.ToLower() == OrderDocumentType && p.Id == 3025)
                               .Where(p => !ActiveUsersOnly || context.Users.Where(u => u.IsActive).Select(a => a.MainVendor.SapCode).Contains(p.KUNNR))
                               .OrderBy(p => p.CreatedDate)

        if (sapOrders.Any())
            foreach (var item in sapOrders)
                    var order = context.Orders.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.VBELN);

                    var isExist = context.SapOrderDetails.Any(p => p.DOCNUM == item.DOCNUM);

                    if (isExist)
                        var salesOrganization = context.SalesOrganizations.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.VKORG);

                        if (salesOrganization == null)

                        var distributionChannel = context.DistributionChannels.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.VTWEG);

                        if (distributionChannel == null)

                        var salesDepartment = context.SalesDepartments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.SPART);

                        if (salesDepartment == null)

                        var salesOffice = context.SalesOffices
                                                 .FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.VKBUR &&
                                                     p.SalesOrganization.Id == salesOrganization.Id &&
                                                     p.DistributionChannel.Id == distributionChannel.Id &&
                                                     p.SalesDepartment.Id == salesDepartment.Id);
                        if (salesOffice == null)

                        var ordererCustomer = context.Customers
                                .FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.KUNNR &&
                                                     p.SalesOrganization.Id == salesOrganization.Id &&
                                                     p.DistributionChannel.Id == distributionChannel.Id &&
                                                     p.SalesDepartment.Id == salesDepartment.Id &&
                                                     p.SalesOffice.Id == salesOffice.Id);

                        var recipientCustomer = context.Customers
                                .FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.KUNWE &&
                                                     p.SalesOrganization.Id == salesOrganization.Id &&
                                                     p.DistributionChannel.Id == distributionChannel.Id &&
                                                     p.SalesDepartment.Id == salesDepartment.Id &&
                                                     p.SalesOffice.Id == salesOffice.Id);

                        if (recipientCustomer == null)
                            recipientCustomer = context.Customers
                                    .FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.KUNWE &&
                                                         p.SalesOrganization.Id == salesOrganization.Id &&
                                                         p.DistributionChannel.Id == distributionChannel.Id &&
                                                         p.SalesDepartment.Id == salesDepartment.Id &&
                                                         p.SalesOffice == null);

                        if (ordererCustomer == null || recipientCustomer == null)

                        if (order == null)
                            order = new Order
                                    SapCode = item.VBELN,
                                    SapOrderDate = item.AUDAT,
                                    DocumentType = context.DocumentTypes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.VBTYP),
                                    SalesDocument = context.SalesDocuments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.AUART),
                                    BaseAmount = item.NETWR,
                                    TotalTax = item.MWSBT,
                                    Currency = context.CurrencyDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.WAERK),
                                    SalesOrganization = salesOrganization,
                                    DistributionChannel = distributionChannel,
                                    SalesDepartment = salesDepartment,
                                    SalesGroup = context.SalesGroups.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.VKGRP && p.SalesOffice.Id == salesOffice.Id),
                                    SalesOffice = salesOffice,
                                    RequestedDeliveryDate = item.VDATU,
                                    SASNo = item.BSTNK,
                                    SASOrderDate = item.BSTDK ?? item.AUDAT,
                                    OrdererCustomer = ordererCustomer,
                                    RecipientCustomer = recipientCustomer,
                                    Status = OrderStatus.Approved,
                                    Type = OrderType.MainVendor,
                                    DeliveryAddress = context.CustomerAddressBooks.FirstOrDefault(p => p.MainVendor.Id == ordererCustomer.Id && p.SubVendor.Id == recipientCustomer.Id),
                                    CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
                                    LastModificationTime = DateTime.Now,
                                    CreatorUserId = context.Users.First(p => p.UserName == AbpUserBase.AdminUserName).Id,
                                    LastModifierUserId = context.Users.First(p => p.UserName == AbpUserBase.AdminUserName).Id,
                                    IsSubVendorOrder = false,
                                    IsSameDayDelivery = false,
                                    RepresentativeId = context.Users.First(p => p.UserName == AbpUserBase.AdminUserName).Id
                                    //RejectionReason =//todo:bu silinmeli iptal kalem bazında burada statu olmalı
                                var savedOrder = context.Orders.Add(order);

                                order.SASNo = BbsfConsts.KeasOrderNumberPrefix + savedOrder.Id;
                                order.SapOrderDate = item.AUDAT;
                                order.DocumentType = context.DocumentTypes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.VBTYP);
                                order.SalesDocument = context.SalesDocuments.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.AUART);
                                order.BaseAmount = item.NETWR;
                                order.TotalTax = item.MWSBT;
                                order.Currency = context.CurrencyDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.WAERK);
                                order.SalesOrganization = salesOrganization;
                                order.DistributionChannel = distributionChannel;
                                order.SalesDepartment = salesDepartment;
                                order.SalesGroup = context.SalesGroups.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SapCode == item.VKGRP && p.SalesOffice.Id == salesOffice.Id);
                                order.SalesOffice = salesOffice;
                                order.RequestedDeliveryDate = item.VDATU;
                                order.SASNo = BbsfConsts.KeasOrderNumberPrefix + order.Id;
                                //order.SASOrderDate = item.BSTDK.HasValue ? item.BSTDK : item.AUDAT;
                                order.OrdererCustomer = ordererCustomer;
                                order.RecipientCustomer = recipientCustomer;
                                //order.Status = OrderStatus.Approved;
                                order.DeliveryAddress = context.CustomerAddressBooks.FirstOrDefault(p => p.MainVendor.Id == ordererCustomer.Id && p.SubVendor.Id == recipientCustomer.Id);
                                order.LastModifierUserId = context.Users.First(p => p.UserName == AbpUserBase.AdminUserName).Id;
                                order.LastModificationTime = DateTime.Now;
                                //RejectionReason =//todo:bu silinmeli iptal kalem bazında burada statu olmalı
                            if (order != null)
                                var orderDetails = context.OrderDetails.Where(p => p.OrderId == order.Id).ToList();
                                orderDetails?.ForEach(p => context.OrderDetails.Remove(p));


                        item.IsRead = true;
                        item.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        logger.Error(ex, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " Error During IDOCOperations " + ex.Message);

At first glance, it seems that the different actions could be grouped and then executed in a single step.乍一看,似乎可以对不同的操作进行分组,然后在一个步骤中执行。

For example:例如:

  • Create a list of all items that must be updated with item.IsRead = true; item.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;创建必须使用item.IsRead = true; item.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; item.IsRead = true; item.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; , and execute everything together at the end in one step , 并在最后一步执行所有操作
  • In the same way, create a list with all the orders to remove, and then execute in a single step at the end以同样的方式,创建一个包含所有要删除的订单的列表,然后在最后一步执行

I don't know if this will be applicable according to the context and/or the application, it's just an idea我不知道这是否适用于上下文和/或应用程序,这只是一个想法

First of all, check your configuration for Lazy Load feature, both global and by-property levels.首先,检查您的延迟加载功能配置,包括全局和按属性级别。

When you are executing ToList() in sapOrders, you're executing your query (and loading result in memory) and you might be executing side queries when you get Orders, SalesOrganizations, and so on...当您在 sapOrders 中执行 ToList() 时,您正在执行您的查询(并将结果加载到内存中),当您获得 Orders、SalesOrganizations 等时,您可能正在执行边查询...

Take a look at this article to improve your loop.看看 这篇文章来改进你的循环。

On the other hand, you could use async queries and parallel programming in your loop, so, for each non-dependant task in it, you can create an async Task method and run all of them concurrently.另一方面,您可以在循环中使用异步查询和并行编程,因此,对于其中的每个非依赖任务,您可以创建一个异步 Task 方法并同时运行所有这些方法。

Here and here you are some articles I hope help you.这里这里有一些文章,希望对你有所帮助。

Good luck!祝你好运!

If you can avoid calling .SaveChanges() in your loop, but rather do it at the very end, you'll be much better off, as you avoid multiple round trips to the DB.如果您可以避免在循环中调用.SaveChanges() ,而是在最后执行它,那么您的情况会好得多,因为您可以避免多次往返数据库。 That being said, if you're looping over 50,000 items doing this you'd probably want to batch that to some degree, maybe every 1,000 you call it.话虽这么说,如果你循环超过 50,000 个项目,你可能希望在某种程度上对它进行批处理,也许每 1,000 个你调用它。

Unfortunately, you've got the complication of needing the result of an order creation on save to store on another column though.不幸的是,您需要在保存时将订单创建的结果存储在另一列上,这很复杂。 Perhaps if you keep track of the orders you are creating, when you do the batch save, straight after you could do it you do a batch set of SASNo for each just created and another .BulkSaveChanges() ?也许如果您跟踪您正在创建的订单,当您进行批量保存时,您可以立即为刚刚创建的每个订单和另一个.BulkSaveChanges()执行一批SASNo

For your later save changes (where you remove the order details, save, remove order, save), I can't see the need to do that in multiple steps, but maybe my EF is rusty and it'll complain.对于您以后的保存更改(删除订单详细信息,保存,删除订单,保存),我看不出需要在多个步骤中执行此操作,但也许我的 EF 生锈了,它会抱怨。 Ideally, I would remove all those calls to .SaveChanges() and do that in the bulk op every 1000.理想情况下,我会删除所有对.SaveChanges()的调用,并在每 1000 次批量操作中执行此操作。

Above would significantly cut the number of DB network calls, assuming BulkSaveChanges can handle all this.假设BulkSaveChanges可以处理所有这些,以上将显着减少 DB 网络调用的数量。 Basically I'd be aiming for below, but at the end of the day, this could potentially be done better/faster without EF.基本上我的目标是在下面,但归根结底,如果没有 EF,这可能会做得更好/更快。

using (var context = new BbsfDbContext())
    var sapOrders = ...;
    var ordersCreated = new List<..>(); // might wanna initialized this with a size if you have a rough gauge on what % will need creation of loop

    //if (sapOrders.Any()) // not needed
        foreach (var item in sapOrders.Select((x, index) => new { x, index }))
                var order = ...;
                var isExist = ...;

                if (isExist)
                    // ...

                    if (order == null)
                        order = new Order { ... };
                            var savedOrder = context.Orders.Add(order);

                            //order.SASNo = BbsfConsts.KeasOrderNumberPrefix + savedOrder.Id;
                            // Do updates
                            // ...
                        //if (order != null) // shouldn't need this
                            var orderDetails = context.OrderDetails.Where(p => p.OrderId == order.Id).ToList();
                            orderDetails?.ForEach(p => context.OrderDetails.Remove(p));


                    // ...

                    if (index % 1000 == 0)
                        context.BulkSaveChanges(); // bulk save of 1000 loops of changes

                        foreach (var orderCreated in ordersCreated)
                            orderCreated.SASNo = BbsfConsts.KeasOrderNumberPrefix + savedOrder.Id;
                        context.BulkSaveChanges(); // bulk save of x num of SASNo sets
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // ...

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