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如何创建以 FILE* 作为其标准输入、标准输出或标准错误的子进程?

[英]How to create create subprocess with a FILE* as its stdin, stdout or stderr?

If there is a series of FILE pointer which point FILE data("object").如果有一系列 FILE 指针指向 FILE data("object")。 I want to create a subprocess and set this subprocess's stdin stdout and stderr to these FILE pointer.我想创建一个subprocess并将这个subprocess's stdin stdout and stderr设置为这些 FILE 指针。 What can I do?我能做些什么?

If there is no such function, I can create one, but I don't know how.如果没有这样的function,我可以创建一个,但我不知道如何。

If it is necessary, access the member of FILE is also permitted.如果有必要,也允许访问 FILE 的成员。

There is some headers provided by C standard library like m, But they only support IO-redirect with file-descriptor. C 标准库提供了一些头文件,例如 m,但它们仅支持带文件描述符的 IO 重定向。

The only thing I have is non-null FILE pointers.我唯一拥有的是非空文件指针。

I would like this function do almost exactly same as subprocess.run in Python.我希望这个 function 与 Python 中的 subprocess.run 几乎完全相同。

int subprocess_run(char *filename, char **args, FILE *std_in, FILE *std_out, FILE *stderr);

Two options: either using the traditional fork(), or using the new 'spawn'两种选择:要么使用传统的 fork(),要么使用新的 'spawn'

Using fork使用fork

int subprocess_run(char *filename, char **args, FILE *std_in, FILE *std_out, FILE *std_err);

   fflush(std_out) ;
   fflush(std_err) ;
   pid_t pid = fork() ;

   if ( !pid ) {
      // Child process, setup files, exec program, ...

      dup2(fileno(std_in)), STDIN_FILENO) ;
      dup2(fileno(std_out)), STDOUT_FILENO) ;
      dup2(fileno(std_err)), STDERR_FILENO) ;
      execvp(filename, args) ;
      perror("exevcp failed") ;

   } else if ( pid == -1 ) {
       // Error
   } else {
       // Parent
   } ;

Note that 'args' should include program names as argv[0], as per execvp requirements.请注意,根据 execvp 要求,“args”应包括程序名称为 argv[0]。 Otherwise, you will have to construct new array.否则,您将不得不构建新数组。

Using posix_spawn使用posix_spawn

The 'posix_spawn' provides interface to achieve the same as above, but require significantly more complex setup (for the problem described here). 'posix_spawn' 提供了实现与上述相同的接口,但需要更复杂的设置(对于此处描述的问题)。 It provides minor advantage for certain system, as it can reduce overhead of forking.它为某些系统提供了较小的优势,因为它可以减少分叉的开销。 Take a look at man posix_spawn if needed.如果需要,请查看man posix_spawn

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