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如何在 Windows 上的 CreateProcess() 中不继承标准输入、标准输出和标准错误

[英]How to NOT inherit stdin, stdout and stderr in CreateProcess() on Windows

CreateProcessW() , accepts a flag bInheritHandles . CreateProcessW() ,接受标志bInheritHandles If it is set to FALSE , only stdin , stdout and stderr are inherited, the others are not.如果设置为FALSE ,则仅继承stdinstdoutstderr ,其他不继承。

This is sometimes annoying to inherit everything, so it is possible to explicitly configure the handles to inherit using extended startup info .继承所有内容有时很烦人,因此可以使用 扩展启动信息显式配置句柄以继承。 In that case, stdin , stdout and stderr are not inherited by default, but they can be inherited by including them in the inherited handles in UpdateProcThreadAttribute() .在这种情况下,默认情况下不会继承stdinstdoutstderr ,但可以通过将它们包含在UpdateProcThreadAttribute()的继承句柄中来继承它们。

That way, it is possible to inherit only stderr for example.这样,例如可以仅继承stderr

But as a specific case, how to disable them all (including stdin , stdout and stderr )?但作为一个具体案例,如何禁用它们(包括stdinstdoutstderr )? UpdateProcThreadAttribute() fails if we pass a NULL /empty list for attribute PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST .如果我们为属性PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST传递NULL /empty 列表,则UpdateProcThreadAttribute()失败。

Note that I don't want to redirect stdin , stdout and stderr in that case (I don't want to write to/read from them), I just want to disable them.请注意,在这种情况下,我不想重定向stdinstdoutstderr (我不想写入/读取它们),我只想禁用它们。

As a workaround, it is possible to create a dummy HANDLE and inherit it, so that stdin , stdout and stderr could be disabled, but it's a bit hacky.作为一种解决方法,可以创建一个虚拟HANDLE并继承它,以便可以禁用stdinstdoutstderr ,但这有点笨拙。 bInheritHandles set to FALSE does not work because it enables stdin , stdout and stderr . bInheritHandles设置为FALSE不起作用,因为它启用了stdinstdoutstderr Passing DETACHED_PROCESS might have other side effects (?).传递DETACHED_PROCESS可能会产生其他副作用(?)。

What is the correct way to achieve this?实现这一目标的正确方法是什么?

Oh, if STARTF_USESTDHANDLES is set, and if bInheritHandles set to FALSE , then no handles are inherited at all, which is exactly what I want:哦,如果设置了STARTF_USESTDHANDLES ,并且如果bInheritHandles设置为FALSE ,那么根本不会继承任何句柄,这正是我想要的:

memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
si.cb = sizeof(si);

// This is important to disable stdin, stdout and stderr
si.StartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;

// si.hStdInput, si.hStdOutput and si.hStdError must not be set

EDIT: Alternatively, as mentioned here passing DETACHED_PROCESS in dwCreationFlags (a parameter of CreateProcess() ) also works.编辑:或者,如此处所述,在dwCreationFlags dwCreationFlags传递DETACHED_PROCESSCreateProcess()的参数)也可以。

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