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避免 django 设置文件中的代码重复

[英]Avoiding code duplication in django settings files

I am following Django settings best practices by using base.py , local.py , prod.py , and staging.py .我使用base.pylocal.pyprod.pystaging.py遵循 Django 设置最佳实践。

My conundrum is whether or not to be okay with code duplication.我的难题是是否可以接受代码重复。 Let's take this example.让我们举这个例子。 I need to set a URL which is used in a large dictionary of fixed values to configure a package.我需要设置一个 URL,它用于大型固定值字典来配置 package。

local.py CONF_URL = 'hard coded local value'

prod.py CONF_URL = os.environ['CONF_URL']

staging.py CONF_URL = 'some other hard coded value'

I then have code like然后我有类似的代码

  'foo1': bar,
  'foo2': bar,
  'foo3': bar,
  'foo4': bar,
  'foo5': bar,
  • I can't put PACKAGE_CONF in base.py because we import base from the leaf settings files and not the other way around.我不能将PACKAGE_CONF放在base.py中,因为我们从叶设置文件中导入base而不是相反。
  • I can write something to post process PACKAGE_CONF like using an env file but that seems unnecessarily complicated.我可以写一些东西来发布过程PACKAGE_CONF ,比如使用 env 文件,但这似乎不必要地复杂。
  • I can force the user to take CONF_URL from the environment but that's not a good local dev experience.我可以强制用户从环境中获取CONF_URL ,但这不是一个好的本地开发体验。
  • And lastly I can duplicate PACKAGE_CONF in local , staging, and prod .最后,我可以在localstaging,prod中复制PACKAGE_CONF

I'm not super pleased with any of these options.我对这些选项中的任何一个都不满意。 Can someone with experience in writing beautiful settings files offer a better solution?有编写精美设置文件经验的人可以提供更好的解决方案吗?

You can use .env file for setting up the variables of local/dev environment, and ensure you have this same variables set up in staging/prod envs.您可以使用.env文件来设置本地/开发环境的变量,并确保您在 staging/prod 环境中设置了相同的变量。

.env file values will be used only when the environment var is not present. .env文件值仅在环境变量不存在时使用。 So, you can push the .env file to your code repo.因此,您可以将.env文件推送到您的代码仓库。

In that way, you will be able to write just once your var in base.py file.这样,您将能够在base.py文件中只编写一次您的 var。

The solution I ended up doing is this我最终做的解决方案是这个

in base.py I putbase.py我把

  'foo1': bar,
  'foo2': bar,
  'foo3': bar,
  'foo4': bar,
  'foo5': bar,

And then I override PACKAGE_CONF['CONF_URL'] in the leaf settings files, eg in staging.py然后我在叶子设置文件中覆盖PACKAGE_CONF['CONF_URL'] ,例如在 staging.py

CONF_URL = 'some other hard coded value'

The downside is you might forget to add this value when you create a new leaf settings file and that may lead to unexpected behavior since the dictionary exists but one key is missing.缺点是您可能会在创建新的叶设置文件时忘记添加此值,这可能会导致意外行为,因为字典存在但缺少一个键。

However, I think this is acceptable since when you create a new leaf settings you usually copy paste an existing one.但是,我认为这是可以接受的,因为当您创建新的叶子设置时,您通常会复制粘贴现有的设置。

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