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在 LInux 上使用带有 OpenGL 的.Net Core

[英]Using .Net Core with OpenGL on LInux

Can I use OpenGL in.Net Core on Linux.我可以在 Linux 上使用 OpenGL in.Net Core。 I asking, because I encountered a few problems...我问,因为我遇到了一些问题......

If not, which library can I use?如果没有,我可以使用哪个库?

There are quite a few options out there.那里有很多选择。 In general, OpenGL is portable across systems and cards, but there are always implementation quirks.一般来说,OpenGL 可以跨系统和跨卡移植,但始终存在实施怪癖。 Are you following a tutorial, or are trying to port something from Windows or .NET Full Framework to Linux and/or .NET Core?您是在学习教程,还是尝试将 Windows 或 .NET Full Framework 中的内容移植到 Linux 和/或 Z303CB0EF5825EDB90872AZD61 核心?

If you are trying to games related stuff (as many people doing graphics are), then you might want to check out MonoGame , as it will give you graphics access and a good starting point for games.如果您正在尝试与游戏相关的东西(就像很多人在做图形一样),那么您可能想要查看MonoGame ,因为它会给您图形访问和游戏的良好起点。 This project is derived from an old unmaintained Microsoft project called XNA .该项目源自一个名为XNA的旧的无人维护的 Microsoft 项目。

If you are going lower level, I'm sure there are countless libraries.如果您要降低级别,我敢肯定有无数的库。 There is a C/C++ library called Simple Direct Media Layer (SDL) which I'm sure has many C# wrappers, here's what I found on Nuget.org .有一个名为Simple Direct Media Layer (SDL)的 C/C++ 库,我确信它有许多 C# 包装器,这是我在 Nuget.org 上找到的 You can also just search "C# .NET SDL Simple Direct Media Layer Wrapper" and find something that looks good for your use case.您也可以只搜索“C# .NET SDL Simple Direct Media Layer Wrapper”并找到适合您用例的内容。

SDL is great to learn because it is widely used library that makes writing portable graphics-related code easier, but still is quite minimal. SDL 非常适合学习,因为它是一种广泛使用的库,可以更轻松地编写与图形相关的可移植代码,但仍然非常少。

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