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Java 堆排序中的交换计数

[英]Java Counting swaps in Heap sort

I am trying to count the number of swaps that occurred in the heap sort and print it out, but I have having trouble figuring out where to put my counter.我正在尝试计算堆排序中发生的交换次数并将其打印出来,但我无法确定将计数器放在哪里。 I have already been able to print out the random and heap arrays in sorted order, but every where I try to put a counter it says "unexpected return" so I'm at a loss now.我已经能够按排序顺序打印出随机和堆 arrays ,但是我尝试放置计数器的每个地方都显示“意外返回”,所以我现在不知所措。 Any help is appreciated.任何帮助表示赞赏。 My code is below:我的代码如下:

    import java.io.*;
class Node
   private int iData;             // data item (key)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Node(int key)           // constructor
      { iData = key; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public int getKey()
      { return iData; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   }  // end class Node
class Heap
   private Node[] heapArray;
   private int maxSize;           // size of array
   private int currentSize;       // number of items in array
   public int heapSwap=0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Heap(int mx)            // constructor
      maxSize = mx;
      currentSize = 0;
      heapArray = new Node[maxSize];
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Node remove()           // delete item with max key
      {                           // (assumes non-empty list)
      Node root = heapArray[0];
      heapArray[0] = heapArray[--currentSize];
      return root;
      }  // end remove()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void trickleDown(int index)
      int largerChild;
      Node top = heapArray[index];        // save root
      while(index < currentSize/2)        // not on bottom row
         int leftChild = 2*index+1;
         int rightChild = leftChild+1;
                                          // find larger child
         if(rightChild < currentSize &&   // right ch exists?
                             heapArray[leftChild].getKey() <
            largerChild = rightChild;
            largerChild = leftChild;
                                          // top >= largerChild?
         if(top.getKey() >= heapArray[largerChild].getKey())
                                          // shift child up
         heapArray[index] = heapArray[largerChild];
         index = largerChild;             // go down
         }  // end while
      heapArray[index] = top;             // root to index
      }  // end trickleDown()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayHeap()
      int nBlanks = 32;
      int itemsPerRow = 1;
      int column = 0;
      int j = 0;                          // current item

      String dots = "...............................";
      System.out.println(dots+dots);      // dotted top line

      while(currentSize > 0)              // for each heap item
         if(column == 0)                  // first item in row?
            for(int k=0; k<nBlanks; k++)  // preceding blanks
               System.out.print(' ');
                                          // display item

         if(++j == currentSize)           // done?


         if(++column==itemsPerRow)        // end of row?
            nBlanks /= 2;                 // half the blanks
            itemsPerRow *= 2;             // twice the items
            column = 0;                   // start over on
            System.out.println();         //    new row


         else                             // next item on row
            for(int k=0; k<nBlanks*2-2; k++)
               System.out.print(' ');     // interim blanks
         }  // end for

      System.out.println("\n"+dots+dots); // dotted bottom line

      }  // end displayHeap()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayArray()
      for(int j=0; j<maxSize; j++)
         System.out.print(heapArray[j].getKey() + " ");
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void insertAt(int index, Node newNode)
      { heapArray[index] = newNode; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void incrementSize()
      { currentSize++; }

// -------------------------------------------------------------
   }  // end class Heap
class HeapSortApp
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
      int size, j;

      System.out.print("Enter number of items: ");
      size = getInt();
      Heap theHeap = new Heap(size);

      for(j=0; j<size; j++)       // fill array with
         {                        //    random nodes
         int random = (int)(java.lang.Math.random()*100);
         Node newNode = new Node(random);
         theHeap.insertAt(j, newNode);

      System.out.print("Random: ");
         theHeap.displayArray();  // display random array

      for(j=size/2-1; j>=0; j--)  // make random array into heap

      System.out.print("Heap:   ");
      theHeap.displayArray();     // dislay heap array
      theHeap.displayHeap();      // display heap

      for(j=size-1; j>=0; j--)    // remove from heap and
         {                        //    store at array end
         Node biggestNode = theHeap.remove();
         theHeap.insertAt(j, biggestNode);

      System.out.print("Number of swaps: " + theHeap.heapSwap);
      System.out.print("\n\nSorted: ");
      theHeap.displayArray();     // display sorted array
      }  // end main()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public static String getString() throws IOException
      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
      String s = br.readLine();
      return s;
   public static int getInt() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return Integer.parseInt(s);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
  }  // end class HeapSortApp

Put the variable inside the class but outside the sort method so it doesn't get wiped out when the method returns.将变量放在 class 内部但在排序方法之外,这样当方法返回时它不会被清除。

class Heap {
  public int swapCount=0;
class HeapSortApp {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Heap heap = new Heap(size);

If you want to be able to access this variable from another class, such as HeapSortApp , the variable must be public.如果您希望能够从另一个 class(例如HeapSortApp )访问此变量,则该变量必须是公共的。

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