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有没有办法比 O(n) 更快地访问多集树中的单个节点(使用迭代器并在循环中计算迭代次数)? [等候接听]

[英]Is there a way to access single nodes from multiset tree faster than O(n)(using iterator and counting iterations in loop)? [on hold]

I've tried a lot of things to do it, but unsuccessful:( Maybe it'll be better if I write binary searching tree with some extra options myself? I have to keep elements in sorted order, to change single element and to get single element "by index".我已经尝试了很多事情,但没有成功:(如果我自己编写带有一些额外选项的二叉搜索树可能会更好?我必须保持元素排序,更改单个元素并获取单个元素“按索引”。

The std::multiset is fine. std::multiset 很好。 The find() function should have O(logn) with a worst case of O(n), as the std::multiset is implemented as a BST. find() function 应该有 O(logn),最坏的情况是 O(n),因为 std::multiset 是作为 BST 实现的。 Are you using the std namespace?你在使用 std 命名空间吗?


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