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使用 NSIS 创建安装程序时,如何为 exe 文件指定一个不同于标题栏图标的图标?

[英]How to specify an icon for exe file which is different from the title bar icon when using NSIS to create an installer?

I'm using NSIS to create my own installer, I know we can use the instruction: .define MUI_ICON path_to_icon_file.ico to set the icon for the installer.我正在使用 NSIS 创建我自己的安装程序,我知道我们可以使用指令: .define MUI_ICON path_to_icon_file.ico来设置安装程序的图标。 But it sets both the title bar icon and the exe file icon.但是它同时设置了标题栏图标和exe文件图标。 How can I set them separately with different icons?如何用不同的图标分别设置它们?

You usually use the same icon but you can force a different icon if you must:您通常使用相同的图标,但如果必须,您可以强制使用不同的图标:

!define MUI_ICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\modern-install.ico" ; Exe icon
!define CUSTOMWINDOWICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\win-install.ico"
!include "MUI2.nsh"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

Function SetMyCustomIcon
File "/oname=$PluginsDir\cust.ico" "${CUSTOMWINDOWICON}"
!define /IfNDef LR_LOADFROMFILE 0x10
!define /IfNDef LR_DEFAULTSIZE 0x40
!define /IfNDef WM_SETICON 0x80
System::Call 'USER32::LoadImage(p 0,t "$PluginsDir\cust.ico", i 1, i 16, i 16, i ${LR_LOADFROMFILE})p.r0'
SendMessage $hWndParent ${WM_SETICON} 0 $0
System::Call 'USER32::LoadImage(p 0,t "$PluginsDir\cust.ico", i 1, i 0, i 0, i ${LR_LOADFROMFILE}|${LR_DEFAULTSIZE})p.r0'
SendMessage $hWndParent ${WM_SETICON} 1 $0

When NSIS 3.05 comes out you can embed the icon as a resource:当 NSIS 3.05 发布时,您可以将图标作为资源嵌入:

!define CUSTOMWINDOWICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\win-install.ico"


PEAddResource "${CUSTOMWINDOWICON}" "#Icon" "#1337"
Function SetMyCustomIcon
!define /IfNDef WM_SETICON 0x80
System::Call 'KERNEL32::GetModuleHandle(p0)p.s'
System::Call 'USER32::LoadImage(p s, i 1337, i 1, i 0, i 0, i 0x8040)p.r0'
SendMessage $hWndParent ${WM_SETICON} 1 $0

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