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如何为图层中的每个节点分配 Keras relu 函数的自定义 alpha?

[英]How can I assign a custom alpha for Keras relu function, for each node in a layer?

I would like to add a node-specific variable to each Keras activation function.我想为每个 Keras 激活函数添加一个特定于节点的变量。 I would like each node to compute the activation value (output) with a different value ( alpha ).我希望每个节点都使用不同的值 ( alpha ) 计算激活值(输出)。

This can be done globally , for example with the alpha parameter for the relu activation function ( link ):这可以全局完成,例如使用 relu 激活函数的alpha参数( 链接):

# Build Model
model.add(Activation(lambda x: custom_activation(x, alpha=0.1)))

I can also write a custom activation function, but the alpha parameter is also global .我也可以写一个自定义的激活函数,但是alpha参数也是全局的。 ( link ) 链接

# Custom activation function
def custom_activation(x, alpha=0.0):
    return (K.sigmoid(x + alpha))

# Build Model
model.add(Activation(lambda x: custom_activation(x, alpha=0.1)))

Inside the custom function I only currently have access to the following variables:在自定义函数中,我目前只能访问以下变量:

(Pdb) locals()
{'x': <tf.Tensor 'dense/Identity:0' shape=(None, 128) dtype=float32>, 'alpha': 0.1}

I would like to use a custom activation function, but for alpha to be unique to each node in the network.我想使用自定义激活函数,但alpha对于网络中的每个节点都是唯一的。 For example, if there are 128 units in the layer, then I would like there also to be 128 values of alpha, one for each unit / node.例如,如果层中有 128 个单元,那么我希望也有 128 个 alpha 值,每个单元/节点一个。 I would then like the activation function to然后我希望激活函数

How do I create an alpha value that is unique to each unit / node in a layer?如何创建图层中每个单元/节点唯一的alpha值?

I would not recommend to use lambda layer for that one, it is to hackish.我不建议为那个使用 lambda 层,它太骇人听闻了。 I suggest you write your own layer as follows:我建议你写你自己的图层如下:

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Custom layer 
class CustomAct(tf.keras.layers.Layer):

    def __init__(self):
        super(CustomAct, self).__init__()

    def build(self, input_shape):
        self.alpha = self.add_weight(name='alpha', 
                                      shape=[input_shape[1], ],
        super(CustomAct, self).build(input_shape)

    def call(self, x):
        return tf.sigmoid(x+self.alpha)

    def get_alpha(self):
        return self.alpha        

inputs = np.random.random([16, 32]).astype(np.float32)

# Model 
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()

# Test

alpha_after_initialization = model.layers[-1].get_alpha()

x = np.random.random([18, 32])
y = np.random.random([18, 128])
for _ in range(20):
    model.fit(x, y)

out_after_20_steps = alpha_after_initialization = model.layers[-1].get_alpha()


Of course, you should change all tf refernces to your keras ones.当然,您应该将所有 tf 引用更改为您的 keras 引用。

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