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[英]c++: Expected primary-expression

I have been struggling with a certain error that doesn't make sense to me.我一直在为一个对我没有意义的错误而苦苦挣扎。 Whenever I try to compile this program, it tells me that I'm missing a semicolon when I am not.每当我尝试编译此程序时,它都会告诉我缺少分号,而实际上却没有。

It seems the error is linked to a specific block of code, that being the if statement that checks stock.该错误似乎与特定的代码块有关,即检查库存的 if 语句。 Since I know c++ can be platform specific, I'm running debian 9 and the atom ide if that's any help.由于我知道 c++ 可以是特定于平台的,因此我正在运行 debian 9 和 atom ide(如果有帮助的话)。

Here is the specifc error:这是特定的错误:

error: expected primary-expression before ',' token错误:',' 标记前的预期主表达式

getline(string,line);//gets string` getline(string,line);//获取字符串`

and the code:和代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main ()
    cout << "store stocking system: \n"; // yadda yadda yadda UX
    cout << "commands: \n";
    cout << "  help: shows available commands\n  check stock: checks store stock\n  enter stock: enter new stock items\n";
    cout << "  exit: terminates the program\n  clean house: deletes all stock\n";
    home: // main loop in program
    string output;
    output = ">> ";
    cout << output;

    string stock;
    string item; // this whole block just defines things and gets input
    int itemNumber;
    string userInput;

    if (userInput == "exit")
      return 0;

    if (userInput == "enter stock")
    { // enters new stock
      cout << "enter item\n>> "; //item name
      cin >> item;
      cout << "enter amount\n>> "; //amount of item
      cin >> itemNumber;
      ofstream myfile; //makes file
      myfile.open("stock.txt"); //opens myfile
      myfile << "\n" << item << "," << itemNumber << "\n"; //writes to file
      myfile.close();// closes file
      cout << "done";
      goto home; //finishes and goes to main loop

    if (userInput == "check stock") // where the problem is
      string line;
      ifstream file("stock.txt");//checks fo file
      file.open("stock.txt");//opens file
      getline(string,line);//gets string
      file.close();//closes it
      cout << line << "\n";
      goto home;

    if (userInput == ""){
      goto home;

      cout << "\033[1;31mplease use a proper command:\033[0m\n";
      goto home;

    return 0;


#include <string>


string is recognized as a type name, of type std::string which you generously exposed by line using namespace std; string被识别为类型名称,属于std::string类型,您可以using namespace std;通过行慷慨地公开它using namespace std; . . This particular error message is caused by fact that string isn't an expression which can be evaluated .此特定错误消息是由string不是可以计算的表达式这一事实引起的。 In context of your code it should be在您的代码上下文中,它应该是


PS.附注。 Standard would say that you have to include <string> header to use component std::string .标准会说您必须包含<string>标头才能使用组件std::string Your code compiles thanks to an implementation-defined feature, was imported with <iostream> in this version of header.由于实现定义的功能,您的代码编译,在此版本的头文件中使用<iostream>导入。

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