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[英]Permutations with multiple list and Conditions

I want to generate list of all possible Strings of each 5 character permutation of two list我想生成两个列表的每 5 个字符排列的所有可能字符串的列表

List 1: [A-Z] all caps Alphabets
List 2: [0-9] Digits

conditions of string字符串的条件

  1. Each string must contain min.每个字符串必须包含 min。 of 1 digit and min. 1位数和分钟。 of 1 Alphabet共 1 个字母
  2. Each string must not contain more than 3 of same (Digit/Alphabet)每个字符串不得包含超过 3 个相同的(数字/字母)

Example Outputs:示例输出:


i tried this but i know i could not apply conditions so far, pretty confused right now kindly help我试过了,但我知道到目前为止我无法应用条件,现在很困惑,请帮忙

from itertools import permutations 

perm = [''.join(p) for p in permutations('ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789', 5)] 

for i in list(perm): 
    with open("list.txt", "a+") as file:

The following will print out all 5 char combinations of all uppercase letters and digits with no more than 3 of any char or digit.以下将打印出所有大写字母和数字的所有 5 个字符组合,任何字符或数字不超过 3 个。

import string
import itertools
possible_combinations = itertools.permutations(string.ascii_uppercase * 3 + string.digits * 3, 5)
for possible_str in (''.join(chars) for chars in possible_combinations):
    if possible_str.isnumeric() or possible_str.isalpha():

To get all combinations of letters and digits with no more than 3 repeated first we look at itertools.permutations .为了获得不超过 3 个重复的字母和数字的所有组合,我们首先查看itertools.permutations Given an iterable of chars (a string) it will return all combinations of those chars for the given length给定一个可迭代的字符(一个字符串),它将返回给定长度的这些字符的所有组合

>>> [''.join(x) for x in itertools.permutations('ABC', 3)]
['ABC', 'ACB', 'BAC', 'BCA', 'CAB', 'CBA']

If we pass 2 of each char, permutations will return all combinations with up to 2 of every char如果我们传递每个字符的 2 个,排列将返回每个字符最多 2 个的所有组合

>>> [''.join(x) for x in itertools.permutations('AABBCC', 3)]
['AAB', 'AAB', 'AAC', 'AAC', 'ABA', 'ABB', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'ABA', 'ABB', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'ACA', 'ACB', 'ACB', 'ACC', 'ACA', 'ACB', 'ACB', 'ACC', 'AAB', 'AAB', 'AAC', 'AAC', 'ABA', 'ABB', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'ABA', 'ABB', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'ACA', 'ACB', 'ACB', 'ACC', 'ACA', 'ACB', 'ACB', 'ACC', 'BAA', 'BAB', 'BAC', 'BAC', 'BAA', 'BAB', 'BAC', 'BAC', 'BBA', 'BBA', 'BBC', 'BBC', 'BCA', 'BCA', 'BCB', 'BCC', 'BCA', 'BCA', 'BCB', 'BCC', 'BAA', 'BAB', 'BAC', 'BAC', 'BAA', 'BAB', 'BAC', 'BAC', 'BBA', 'BBA', 'BBC', 'BBC', 'BCA', 'BCA', 'BCB', 'BCC', 'BCA', 'BCA', 'BCB', 'BCC', 'CAA', 'CAB', 'CAB', 'CAC', 'CAA', 'CAB', 'CAB', 'CAC', 'CBA', 'CBA', 'CBB', 'CBC', 'CBA', 'CBA', 'CBB', 'CBC', 'CCA', 'CCA', 'CCB', 'CCB', 'CAA', 'CAB', 'CAB', 'CAC', 'CAA', 'CAB', 'CAB', 'CAC', 'CBA', 'CBA', 'CBB', 'CBC', 'CBA', 'CBA', 'CBB', 'CBC', 'CCA', 'CCA', 'CCB', 'CCB']

The same holds true if we increase the number of chars and how many we repeat them by.如果我们增加字符的数量以及我们重复它们的数量,情况也是如此。 So we have string.ascii_uppercase * 3 + string.digits * 3 which returns a string with all uppercase letters repeated 3 times and all digits repeated 3 times所以我们有string.ascii_uppercase * 3 + string.digits * 3它返回一个字符串,其中所有大写字母重复 3 次,所有数字重复 3 次

The last thing to do it filter out strings with no digits or letters in them.最后一件事是过滤掉没有数字或字母的字符串。 string.isnumeric() returns true if all chars are digits and string.isalpha() returns true if all chars are letters如果所有字符都是数字,则 string.isnumeric() 返回 true,如果所有字符都是字母,则 string.isalpha() 返回 true

You can go with your permutations by applying some checks:您可以通过应用一些检查来进行permutations

from itertools import permutations
from collections import Counter

for i in permutations('ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789', 5):
    combo = "".join(i)
    result = Counter(i)
    if any(s>=3 for s in result.values()) \
            or sum(c.isdigit() for c in i)<1 \
            or sum(c.isalpha() for c in i)<1:
    print (combo)
import random 

output = [] #always initiate as empty

alphanum = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

while len(output) < 5:#5 is max

    output.append(random.choice(alphanum)) #pick random from list

    counter_i = counter_s = 0 #counter for integers and characters

    for element in output:

        if isinstance(element,int): 

            counter_i +=1

        elif isinstance(element,str):

            counter_s +=1

        if (counter_i > 3 or counter_s >3) : #max 3  for numbers or strings

            output.pop() #remove from list if it exceeds the limits

['M', 'Z', 4, 'B', 9]

result = '' 
for l in output:
    result +=str(l)


you can try this function.你可以试试这个功能。 it returns unique and least one alphabet and one digit.它返回唯一且至少一个字母和一位数字。

import random 

digits = "0123456789"

def generate_code(length):
    alp_len = random.randint(1,length-1)
    dig_len = length-alp_len

    selected = list(random.sample(alphabets,alp_len))
    selected.extend (random.sample(digits,dig_len))

    random.shuffle ( selected ) 

    return ''.join(selected) 

print (generate_code(5))

random.sample(population, k) random.sample(人口,k)

Return ak length list of unique elements chosen from the population sequence.返回从种群序列中选择的唯一元素的 ak 长度列表。 Used for random sampling without replacement.用于不放回的随机抽样。

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