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[英]Concatenate string to list of dictionaries in python

I am trying to join a string to a list of dictionaries.我正在尝试将字符串加入字典列表。 I am doing:我在做:

print(site + ', '.join(search_res))

I keep getting an error: sequence item 0: expected str instance, dict found我不断收到错误: sequence item 0: expected str instance, dict found

search_res = [
        "book": "Harry Potter",
        "rating": "10.0"
        "book": "Lord of The Rings",
        "rating": "9.0"

site = "Fantasy"

Expected result:预期结果:

"Fantasy" , [
        "book": "Harry Potter",
        "rating": "10.0"
        "book": "Lord of The Rings",
        "rating": "9.0"

How do I concatenate the string to the list of dictionaries without getting the sequence item 0: expected str instance, dict found error如何在不获取sequence item 0: expected str instance, dict found情况下将字符串连接到字典列表sequence item 0: expected str instance, dict found错误

Why not just print(site + str(search_res)) ?为什么不只是print(site + str(search_res))

Also you could do: print(site + ', '.join([str(dic) for dic in search_res)])你也可以这样做: print(site + ', '.join([str(dic) for dic in search_res)])

也许你只需要这个: print(site + ' , ' + str(search_res))

How do I concatenate the string to the list of dictionaries如何将字符串连接到字典列表

You can't.你不能。 And you don't need to either.你也不需要。 Use string formatting , possibly together with the pprint module .使用字符串格式化,可能与pprint模块一起使用。

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