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webshere 应用服务器 9.0(WAS 9.0)

[英]webshere application server 9.0(WAS 9.0)

I have a project about custom tag JSP我有一个关于自定义标签 JSP 的项目

when i build war file and deploy on tomcat 8.0 then run and not error.当我构建war文件并部署在tomcat 8.0上时,然后运行而不出错。

but i deploy on WAS 9.0 the error( but deploy on WAS 8.5 run is not error):但我在 WAS 9.0 上部署错误(但在 WAS 8.5 上部署运行不是错误):

Error message : JSPG0049E: /index.jsp failed to compile:错误消息:JSPG0049E:/index.jsp 编译失败:

JSPG0091E: An error occurred at line 3 of file /index.jsp JSPG0091E: 文件 /index.jsp 的第 3 行发生错误

JSPG0093E: Servlet error from file: /index.jsp JSPG0093E: 来自文件的 Servlet 错误:/index.jsp

D: \\ WebServer \\ WebSphere \\ AppServer \\ profiles \\ AppSrv01 \\ temp \\ mutb04kNode01 \\ server1 \\ sample1_war \\ sample1.war \\ _ibmjsp \\ _index.java: 120: The method inject (T) is ambiguous for the type AnnotationHelper D:\\WebServer\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\profiles\\AppSrv01\\temp\\mutb04kNode01\\server1\\sample1_war\\sample1.war\\_ibmjsp\\_index.java:120:方法inject(T)对于类型AnnotationHelper不明确

please help me about error.请帮助我解决错误。 thank you so much.太感谢了。

Looks like the issue with your Java code at line 120.看起来像第 120 行的 Java 代码问题。

Either you can share your code or you can check this reference .您可以共享您的代码,也可以查看此参考

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