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使用 Jupyter Notebook 中的变量解析器参数运行 python 脚本

[英]Running python scripts with variable parser arguments from Jupyter Notebook

I'm Working on transformers .我正在研究变压器

I have a python script there, that takes arguments as input via argparse.我在那里有一个 python 脚本,它通过 argparse 将参数作为输入。

Here is part of it:这是其中的一部分:

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--model_type", default=None, type=str, required=True,
                        help="Model type selected in the list: " + ", ".join(MODEL_CLASSES.keys()))
    parser.add_argument("--model_name_or_path", default=None, type=str, required=True,
                        help="Path to pre-trained model or shortcut name selected in the list: " + ", ".join(ALL_MODELS))

I want to be able to call the script iteratively with different arguments.我希望能够使用不同的参数迭代调用脚本。 I can call the script with %run or !python < bash command >, but can I cannot pass variables to it be interpreted as arguments, because it treats the variables as the actual string value:我可以使用 %run 或 !python < bash command > 调用脚本,但是我不能将变量传递给它以解释为参数,因为它将变量视为实际的字符串值:

%run examples/run_lm_finetuning.py --gradient_accumulation_steps=1 --output_dir='output_medium' --model_type='gpt2' \
                      --model_name_or_path=model_load --do_train --train_data_file='/root/sharedfolder/omri/data/pieces/backup/{}'.format(file)\
                      --overwrite_output_dir --per_gpu_train_batch_size=1 --per_gpu_eval_batch_size=1 --save_total_limit=5


OSError: Model name 'model_load' was not found in 
model name list (gpt2, gpt2-medium, gpt2-large, gpt2-xl, distilgpt2). 

We assumed 'model_load' was a path or url to a configuration file named 
config.json or a directory containing such a file but couldn't find any 
such file at this path or url.

It looks like {} expands variables.看起来{}扩展了变量。 I stumbled on it trying do the Python f'' formatting.我偶然发现它尝试执行 Python f''格式。 I don't see it in %run docs;我在%run docs 中没有看到它; it must be part of the %magic syntax.它必须是 %magic 语法的一部分。

Anyways, with a simple echo script:无论如何,使用一个简单的echo脚本:

In [29]: cat echo.py                                                            
import sys

In [30]: foo = "a string"                                                       

In [31]: run echo.py {foo} bar                                                  
['echo.py', 'a', 'string', 'bar']
In [32]: run echo.py "{foo}" bar                                                
['echo.py', 'a string', 'bar']

=== ===

With another magic用另一种魔法

In [71]: astr="*.h5"                                                            
In [72]: ls {astr}                                                              
abc_copy.h5  string.h5          testdate.h5       test_str.h5...

=== ===

$ also does this: $也这样做:

In [79]: foo = "a string"                                                       
In [80]: run echo.py $foo bar                                                   
['echo.py', 'a', 'string', 'bar']

How to pass a variable to magic ´run´ function in IPython 如何将变量传递给 IPython 中的魔法“运行”函数

IPython.core.magic.no_var_expand(magic_func) Mark a magic function as not needing variable expansion IPython.core.magic.no_var_expand(magic_func) 将魔法函数标记为不需要变量扩展

By default, IPython interprets {a} or $a in the line passed to magics as variables that should be interpolated from the interactive namespace before passing the line to the magic function.默认情况下,IPython 将传递给 magics 的行中的 {a} 或 $a 解释为变量,这些变量应该在将行传递给 magic 函数之前从交互式命名空间内插。 This is not always desirable, eg when the magic executes Python code (%timeit, %time, etc.).这并不总是可取的,例如当魔法执行 Python 代码时(%timeit、%time 等)。 Decorate magics with @no_var_expand to opt-out of variable expansion.使用 @no_var_expand 装饰魔法以选择退出变量扩展。

https://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/generated/IPython.core.magic.html https://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/generated/IPython.core.magic.html

RafalS's answer is great, but doesn't print stdout if you want, here is how: RafalS 的回答很棒,但如果您愿意,不会打印标准输出,方法如下:

Put the entire statement in an fstring and assign to a variable run :将整个语句放在 fstring 中并分配给变量run

run = f"python examples/run_lm_finetuning.py\

Then run through Jupyter shell by simply:然后通过简单的方式运行 Jupyter shell:


So model_load in %run should be interpreted as python variable?那么%run model_load应该被解释为 python 变量吗? That would be a little weird, don't you think?那会有点奇怪,你不觉得吗? Try calling python directly from python, not through ipython magic functions:尝试直接从 python 调用 python,而不是通过 ipython 魔术函数:

In [18]: import subprocess                                                                                                                                                                            

In [19]: model_load = "gpt2"                                                                                                                                                                          

In [20]: subprocess.run(f"python file.py --model_name_or_path={model_load}", shell=True)

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