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可以在华为应用市场推荐 Flutter 应用吗?

[英]Can a Flutter app be proposed on the Huawei AppGallery?

Some Huawei mobile devices don't have the Google Play Store and have the Huawei AppGallery instead.一些华为移动设备没有 Google Play 商店,而是有华为 AppGallery。 Since Flutter is for cross-platform development (iOS and Android), it may be desirable to propose Flutter developed apps through the Huawei AppGallery.由于 Flutter 是用于跨平台开发(iOS 和 Android),因此可能需要通过华为 AppGallery 提出 Flutter 开发的应用程序。

The Huawei devices without the Google Play Store are still using Android and the applications to upload to the Huawei AppGallery must have the apk extension (just like in the Google Play Store).没有Google Play Store的华为设备仍然使用Android,上传到Huawei AppGallery的应用程序必须有apk扩展名(就像在Google Play Store中一样)。 These are hunches that at least some Google Play Store applications can be proposed on the Huawei AppGallery.这些预感至少可以在华为 AppGallery 上提出一些 Google Play Store 应用程序。 However, I did not find any proof or confirmation of this.但是,我没有找到任何证据或确认。 Nor any clear perimeter for this compatibility.这种兼容性也没有任何明确的边界。 For example, some services may not work or may not be accepted on the Huawei AppGallery for technical or legal reasons.例如,由于技术或法律原因,某些服务可能无法在华为应用市场上运行或不被接受。 One part of this perimeter is the use of Flutter to develop the application.这个边界的一部分是使用 Flutter 来开发应用程序。

So, my question is, can a Flutter developed application be compatible with the Huawei AppGallery and if so, under which conditions?那么,我的问题是, Flutter 开发的应用程序是否可以与华为应用程序库兼容,如果可以,在什么条件下?

Edit after first app publication 2020 04 13首次应用发布后编辑 2020 04 13

My first Flutter app has just been published on the Huawei AppGallery.我的第一个 Flutter 应用刚刚发布在华为应用市场。 This answers the first part of the question.这回答了问题的第一部分。 Still, as this app is quite minimalist, this doesn't answer the most important part which is: under which conditions can a Flutter app be published on the Huawei AppGallery?尽管如此,由于这个应用程序非常简约,这并没有回答最重要的部分:在什么情况下可以在华为应用程序市场上发布 Flutter 应用程序?

As long as your application complies with the regulations of AppGallery, there should not be any problem it.只要您的应用程序符合AppGallery 的规定,应该没有任何问题。 https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/30202 https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/30202

AppGallery does not have any restriction on the language application developed with, no need to worry about it; AppGallery 对开发的应用程序语言没有任何限制,无需担心; flutter, cordova, react.native, xamarin they are fine.颤振,科尔多瓦,react.native,xamarin 他们很好。

Just a point to take care.只是一个注意点。 If you are using SDKs or services those depend on Google Play services, when you have published your application on AppGallery, it will be visible only for Huawei devices supports Google Play Services.如果您使用的是依赖于 Google Play 服务的 SDK 或服务,当您在 AppGallery 上发布您的应用程序时,它只会在支持 Google Play 服务的华为设备上可见。

In theory, yes it could.理论上,是的,它可以。 Huawei uses an OS called Harmony OS.华为使用的操作系统称为鸿蒙 OS。

The Arc compiler in Harmony OS supports all the major programming languages including C/, C++, Java, JavaScript and Kotlin. Harmony OS 中的 Arc 编译器支持所有主要的编程语言,包括 C/、C++、Java、JavaScript 和 Kotlin。

Flutter compiles Dart code to native device code (Java, and Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS). Flutter 将 Dart 代码编译为原生设备代码(Java 和 Kotlin for Android 和 Swift for iOS)。 Huawei is making an Arc compiler that supposedly makes it easy to turn Android apps to Harmony OS apps.华为正在制作 Arc 编译器,据说可以轻松将 Android 应用程序转换为鸿蒙 OS 应用程序。 What does this mean for Flutter and the AppGallery?这对 Flutter 和 AppGallery 意味着什么? I'm not sure.我不知道。

So to your question, in theory, yes it could but I would just recommend coding your own app in one of the languages mentioned above and using the Arc compiler to put it on Huawei's AppGallery.所以对于你的问题,理论上是可以的,但我建议你用上面提到的一种语言编写你自己的应用程序,并使用 Arc 编译器将它放在华为的 AppGallery 上。


So apparently you can just put an APK on the Huawei App Gallery: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/distribution/app/30204 .所以显然你可以在华为应用程序库上放一个APK: https : //developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/distribution/app/30204 Since you can obviously make APKs in Flutter, I don't see why not.由于您显然可以在 Flutter 中制作 APK,我不明白为什么不可以。

There are no restrictions on the Flutter apps. Flutter 应用程序没有限制。 They can be released on HUAWEI AppGallery.它们可以在华为应用市场上发布。

How to release an app:如何发布应用程序:

  1. Register and sign in to your HUAWEI Developer account, go to AppGallery Connect, create a new app, and upload the APK.注册并登录您的华为开发者账号,进入AppGallery Connect,创建一个新应用,并上传APK。
  2. Set languages and basic app information, such as app name, introduction, screenshots, and app category.设置语言和应用基本信息,例如应用名称、介绍、截图和应用类别。
  3. Select your business model (free or premium), release countries and regions, and a link to the privacy statement.选择您的商业模式(免费或高级)、发布国家和地区以及隐私声明的链接。
  4. Confirm that all of the information provided is correct, and submit your app for review.确认提供的所有信息均正确无误,然后提交您的应用以供审核。

As @captaink said, please also refer to AppGallery Review Guidelines .正如@captaink 所说,还请参阅AppGallery 审查指南

If your app has integrated GMS Kit, these capabilities provided via GMS are not available on Huawei phones with HMS.如果您的应用集成了 GMS Kit,这些通过 GMS 提供的功能在带有 HMS 的华为手机上不可用。 If you want your app to run on these phones, integrate Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) .如果您希望您的应用程序在这些手机上运行,​​请集成华为移动服务 (HMS)

Huawei has provided some HMS Core kit plugins for Flutter.华为已经为 Flutter 提供了一些 HMS Core 套件插件。 They have been published to public open source communities.它们已发布到公共开源社区。 You can also find them on GitHub .您也可以在GitHub 上找到它们。

Account Kit plugins for Flutter Flutter 的 Account Kit 插件

Ads Kit plugins for Flutter Flutter 的 Ads Kit 插件

Analytics Kit plugins for Flutter Flutter 的分析工具包插件

AR Kit plugin for Flutter Flutter 的 AR Kit 插件

In-App Purchases Kit plugin for Flutter Flutter 的应用内购买工具包插件

Location Kit plugins for Flutter Flutter 的定位工具包插件

Map Kit plugins for Flutter Flutter 的 Map Kit 插件

Push Kit plugins for Flutter Flutter 的 Push Kit 插件

Scan Kit plugin for Flutter Flutter 的 Scan Kit 插件

Site Kit plugins for Flutter Flutter 的 Site Kit 插件

Update on this subject: we received the communication from Huawei technical staff to delete all Google Play Services in the app and substitute them with theirs Huawei Mobile Services, before the end of November 2020 .关于此主题的更新:我们收到了华为技术人员的来信,要求我们在 2020 年 11 月底之前删除应用程序中的所有 Google Play 服务,并将其替换为他们的华为移动服务 It seems that after this date they don't accept Google Play Services inside the apps.似乎在此日期之后,他们不接受应用程序内的 Google Play 服务。 Don't know if app published before will still be there after.不知道之前发布的应用程序是否仍然存在。

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