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如何从华为 AppGallery Connect 下载我的应用分析?

[英]How can I download my app's analytics from Huawei AppGallery Connect?

Was expecting something similar to Google PlayStore Console where you can just slap dates and metrics and then download the csv file.期待类似于 Google PlayStore Console 的东西,您可以在其中设置日期和指标,然后下载 csv 文件。

Is there something like that in Huawei AppGallery Connect?华为AppGallery Connect中是否有类似的东西?

So far all I can do is tweak around the dates and some metrics.到目前为止,我所能做的就是调整日期和一些指标。

Only enable Analytics service is not enough.仅启用 Analytics 服务是不够的。 You need to add Analytics Kit to your Android/iOS App, and then Analytics data from AppGallery Connect can be obtained.您需要将 Analytics Kit 添加到您的 Android/iOS 应用程序中,然后才能从 AppGallery Connect 获取 Analytics 数据。

The procedure of HA integration is simple. HA 集成的过程很简单。 You can refer to the following steps or documentation .您可以参考以下步骤或文档 After integration, you can download the data in the lower right corner of the Analytics page.集成后,您可以在分析页面的右下角下载数据。 分析 分析

Analytics Kit provides server APIs for you to export event data collected on devices and import the data to your BI system for unified data analysis. Analytics Kit 提供服务器 API 供您导出在设备上收集的事件数据并将数据导入您的 BI 系统以进行统一的数据分析。 For details, see docs .有关详细信息,请参阅文档

  • HUAWEI Analytics Kit Development Process:华为分析套件开发流程:
  1. After adding your app to AppGallery Connect, please enable Analytics service to usage.将您的应用程序添加到 AppGallery Connect 后,请启用分析服务以使用。
  2. After completing the enabling process, go to the manage API tab from the project settings, activate the Analytics service.完成启用过程后,从项目设置转到管理 API 选项卡,激活分析服务。
  3. Add the json file on the project settings page to your project and add HMS SDK dependencies to your project.将项目设置页面上的json文件添加到您的项目中,并将HMS SDK依赖添加到您的项目中。 Add build dependencies in the dependencies section.在依赖项部分添加构建依赖项。
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.huawei.hms:hianalytics:'
  1. After the agconnect-services.json file is imported successfully, initialize Analytics Kit in the onCreate method of the first activity to obtain a HiAnalyticsInstance instance. agconnect-services.json文件导入成功后,在第一个activity的onCreate方法中初始化Analytics Kit,获取一个HiAnalyticsInstance实例。 If the agconnect-services.json file is incorrect, data cannot be collected at specified trigger points.如果agconnect-services.json文件错误,将无法在指定触发点采集数据。
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Enable SDK log recording.
    HiAnalyticsInstance instance = HiAnalytics.getInstance(this);
    // Or use the context for initialization.
    Context context = this.getApplicationContext();
    HiAnalyticsInstance instance = HiAnalytics.getInstance(context);
  1. Add triggers of the custom event in proper positions of the code.在代码的适当位置添加自定义事件的触发器。
// Add triggers of custom events in proper positions of the code.
Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); 
instance.onEvent("begin_examination", bundle); 
// Add triggers of predefined events in proper positions of the code.
Bundle bundle_pre = new Bundle(); 
bundle_pre.putString(PRODUCTID, "item_ID"); 
bundle_pre.putString(PRODUCTNAME, "name"); 
bundle_pre.putString(CATEGORY, "category"); 
bundle_pre.putLong(QUANTITY, 100L); 
bundle_pre.putDouble(PRICE, 10.01); 
bundle_pre.putDouble(REVENUE, 10); 
bundle_pre.putString(CURRNAME, "currency"); 
bundle_pre.putString(PLACEID, "location_ID"); 
instance.onEvent(ADDPRODUCT2WISHLIST, bundle_pre);

During the development, you can enable the debug mode to view the event records in real time, observe the results, and adjust the event reporting policies.开发过程中可以开启debug模式,实时查看事件记录,观察结果,调整事件上报策略。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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