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一维数组在函数中被视为二维数组 - C

[英]1D array being treated as 2D array in function - C

Please tell me if the title is not entirely correct.如果标题不完全正确,请告诉我。

I first initialize a pointer to array using malloc in the main, then I pass it to a function which receives a pointer to pointer to int like this:我首先在 main 中使用 malloc 初始化一个指向数组的指针,然后将它传递给一个函数,该函数接收一个指向 int 的指针的指针,如下所示:

void readfile(int**);

int main(void)
  int (*obsF) = malloc(sizeof(int)*16);

void readfile(int **obsF)
  //I can do this without errors:
  obsF[0][1] = 1;


I don't understand why I have to treat it as a 2D array, because if I do obsF[1] = 1 I get an error.我不明白为什么我必须把它当作一个二维数组,因为如果我做obsF[1] = 1我会得到一个错误。 Could someone explain me why this happens?有人能解释一下为什么会发生这种情况吗?

Change your function signature from void readfile(int**) to void readfile(int*) and from void readfile(int **obsF) to void readfile(int *obsF) .将您的函数签名从void readfile(int**)更改为void readfile(int*)并将void readfile(int **obsF)更改为void readfile(int *obsF)

When you put the function signature as int**, the compiler treats it as a pointer to a pointer, and thus it is treated as a 2D array, and not a 1D array.当您将函数签名设为 int** 时,编译器将其视为指向指针的指针,因此将其视为二维数组,而不是一维数组。

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