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AnyLogic:如何获得队列的平均 CI

[英]AnyLogic: How to get the average, CI for a Queue

My problem is that I have 4 Queues.我的问题是我有 4 个队列。 The agents are created in a Source and move to a Queue, then they wait until some condition is true to move to the delay.代理在源中创建并移动到队列,然后他们等待直到某些条件为真移动到延迟。

I want to get the average, confidence interval, min, max, etc.. of the waiting time in the Queue as well as the delay time for the agents.我想获得队列中等待时间的平均值、置信区间、最小值、最大值等,以及代理的延迟时间。

What I did is the following:我所做的是以下内容:

I linked timeMeasureStart with the Queue and linked timeMeasureEnd with the delay before the Sink.我将 timeMeasureStart 与 Queue 联系起来,并将 timeMeasureEnd 与 Sink 之前的延迟联系起来。

Then I dragged histogram data to the main.然后我将直方图数据拖到主要。 in the Value I wrote: max (timeMeasureEnd) in order to get the max value of it.在 Value 我写道: max (timeMeasureEnd) 以获得它的最大值。

it says: Description: The method max(int, int) in the type Math is not applicable for the arguments (TimeMeasureEnd).它说: 描述:Math 类型中的方法 max(int, int) 不适用于参数 (TimeMeasureEnd)。

Welcome to SOF.欢迎来到 SOF。

Do use the statistics object and learn how to use it.一定要使用统计对象并学习如何使用它。 The standard " Bank office " tutorial shows you how to do just that.标准的“ 银行办公室”教程向您展示了如何做到这一点。

Strongly suggest you also do all the other step-by-step tutorials, they are extremely helpful ;-)强烈建议您也完成所有其他分步教程,它们非常有帮助 ;-)

PS: On SOF, you typically try to show your previous work. PS:在 SOF 上,您通常会尝试展示您以前的作品。 Statements like "I tried but it didn't work" are not helpful.诸如“我尝试过但没有用”之类的陈述没有帮助。 Check out this guide to ask good questions :-)查看本指南以提出好问题:-)

Then I dragged histogram data to the main.然后我将直方图数据拖到主要。 in the Value I wrote: max (timeMeasureEnd) in order to get the max value of it.在 Value 我写道: max (timeMeasureEnd) 以获得它的最大值。

it says: Description: The method max(int, int) in the type Math is not applicable for the arguments (TimeMeasureEnd).它说: 描述:Math 类型中的方法 max(int, int) 不适用于参数 (TimeMeasureEnd)。

Please learn about code-complete ( Ctrl + space ) and how to understand what functions are doing.请了解代码完整( Ctrl +空格)以及如何理解函数在做什么。 The max function compares 2 given ints and returns the larger one. max函数比较 2 个给定的整数并返回较大的整数。 Irrelevant for what you want.与你想要的无关。

Again, study the "Bank office" tutorial and learn how they pull queue statistics there.再次学习“银行办公室”教程并了解他们如何在那里提取队列统计信息。 No need to go beyond that for your needs.无需超出您的需求。

PS: "confidence interval" is not something you get from your data. PS:“置信区间”不是您从数据中获得的。 You likely mean st-dev, right?你可能是说st-dev,对吧?

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