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TypeScript 泛型:如何定义在结构上与其他类型 S 相同的类型 T

[英]TypeScript generics: how to define type T which is structurally the same as other type S

I have a notion of a Step , which requires value of type A as an input and gives out a value of type B .我有一个Step的概念,它需要类型A值作为输入并给出类型B的值。

class Step<A, B> {
  constructor(private readonly f: (a: A) => B) { }

  public run(a: A): B {
    return this.f(a);

Now I would like to compose two steps, so I end up with something like this inside class Step :现在我想编写两个步骤,所以我最终在class Step得到了这样的东西:

  public andThen<C, D>(nextStep: Step<C, D>): Step<A, D> {
    return new Step<A, D>((state: A) => {
      const b: B = this.f(state);
      return nextStep.run(b);  // <---- compile error, B and C have no relation defined

What I would like to achieve is to somehow tell the type system that we can pass type B to a function which expects type C (structural typing should check that all fields in C are present in B ), so that the line return nextStep.run(b) works fine.我想要实现的是以某种方式告诉类型系统我们可以将类型B传递给一个需要类型C的函数(结构类型应该检查C中的所有字段是否都存在于B ),以便该行return nextStep.run(b)工作正常。


const stepA: Step<{}, {a: number, b: string}> = new Step((input: {}) => ({ a: 5, b: "five" }));
const stepB: Step<{a: number}, {c: number}> = new Step((input: {a: number}) => ({c: input.a + 5}));

const steps = stepA.andThen(stepB)

As you can see stepB requires as an input {a: number} , so it can be fed an output from stepA which is {a: number, b: string} .如您所见, stepB需要作为输入{a: number} ,因此它可以从stepA获得输出,即{a: number, b: string} But I cannot figure out how to define the relation in andThen .但我不知道如何定义andThen的关系。 Any thoughts how this can be achieved?任何想法如何实现?

type SubType<T, WiderT> = T extends WiderT ? WiderT : never;

class Step<A, B> {
  constructor(private readonly f: (a: A) => B) { }

  public run(a: A): B {
    return this.f(a);

  public andThen<C, D>(nextStep: Step<SubType<B, C> | B, D>): Step<A, D> {
    return new Step<A, D>((state: A) => {
      const b = this.f(state);
      return nextStep.run(b);

const stepAB: Step<{}, {a: number, b: string}> = 
new Step((input) => ({ a: 5, b: "five" }));

const add5 = ({ a }: { a: number }) => ({ c: a + 5 });
const stepCD: Step<{ a: number }, { c: number }> = new Step(add5);

const stepAD = stepAB.andThen(stepCD);

The core point is SubType type:核心点是SubType类型:

type SubType<T, WiderT> = T extends WiderT ? WiderT : never;

It says that if the type extends given type then its ok, but its not then never.它说如果类型扩展给定类型那么它可以,但它不是那么永远不会。 Pay attention how it is used:注意它是如何使用的:

SubType<B, C> | B

So we are saying that if type B extends C , so B is more specific type then C then we allow on that, if not we don't by never .所以我们说,如果类型B扩展C ,那么B是比C更具体的类型,那么我们允许这样做,如果不是,我们就never Additionally we allow on B itself (without union there was still compilation error)此外,我们允许B本身(没有联合,仍然存在编译错误)

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