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两个子项目 A 和 B,A 依赖于 B 并检查 B 中存在的功能

[英]Two subprojects A and B, A depends on B and checks for features present in B

I'm trying to create a CMake project that integrates 2 sub-projects, specifically botan and rnpgp .我试图创建一个CMake的项目,集成了2个子项目,特别是牡丹rnpgp The build system of rnpgp is CMake-based, botan uses a Python configure script to generate a Makefile. rnpgp 的构建系统是基于 CMake 的,botan 使用 Python 配置脚本生成 Makefile。 The problem is that during the CMake run rnpgp checks for features in botan, so it requires a compiled botan library.问题是在 CMake 运行期间 rnpgp 检查 botan 中的功能,因此它需要一个编译的 botan 库。 But, botan doesn't get built until I actually call make , which I can't do because rnpgp fails to configure because botan isn't built yet.但是,在我实际调用make ,botan 不会构建,我不能这样做,因为 rnpgp 无法配置,因为 botan 尚未构建。

What's the right way to specify such a dependency in CMake?在 CMake 中指定这种依赖项的正确方法是什么?

You could use CMake's execute_process() to run the botan Python script and run make during the CMake configure stage.您可以使用 CMake 的execute_process()来运行 botan Python 脚本并在 CMake 配置阶段运行make This way, the botan library will be built and available to reference when running the mpgp CMake:这样,在运行 mpgp CMake 时,botan 库将被构建并可供参考:

# Run the Python script to configure the botan Makefile.
    python ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/botan/configure.py
# Run 'make' from the botan directory where the 'Makefile' was created.

This is a rough example of what it could look like.这是它可能是什么样子的粗略示例。 You may have to modify the paths a bit to match where you have botan on your system, and where botan generates its build artifacts (ie location of the Makefile).您可能需要稍微修改路径以匹配系统上有 botan 的位置以及 botan 生成其构建工件的位置(即 Makefile 的位置)。


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