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你如何在 google colab 上安装 poppler

[英]how do you install poppler on google colab

I was using a python package pdf2img, but I got an error asking me to check if I had installed poppler or not , so I ran "pip install python-poppler-qt5" in a code box in colab , but then I get the following error:我正在使用 python 包 pdf2img,但出现错误,要求我检查是否安装了 poppler,所以我在 colab 的代码框中运行了“pip install python-poppler-qt5”,但随后我得到以下信息错误:

Collecting python-poppler-qt5 Using cached https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/6a/7d/65a14ece5dd6a1564b576c1ca30b0f5639be64cc55b62b4d2b497159ed43/python-poppler-qt5-0.75.0.tar.gz
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python setup.py egg_info Check the logs for full command output.

can someone give me a solution to this?有人可以给我一个解决方案吗?

Run a cell with the following command first:首先使用以下命令运行单元格:

!apt-get install poppler-utils 

Here's a complete example notebook that installs deps, downloads an example PDF, and then uses pdf2image to convert it to an image for display.这是一个完整的示例笔记本,安装 deps,下载示例 PDF,然后使用pdf2image将其转换为图像以进行显示。

https://colab.research.google.com/drive/10doc9xwhFDpDGNferehBzkQ6M0Un-tYq https://colab.research.google.com/drive/10doc9xwhFDpDGNferehBzkQ6M0Un-tYq

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