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在 Google 表格的条件格式中使用自定义公式时遇到问题

[英]Having trouble using custom formula in conditional formatting on Google Sheets

I am trying to get my list of names to conditional format based on which of another 2 columns a name appears.我试图根据名称出现的另外两列中的哪一列将我的名称列表设置为条件格式。

This is my sheet, nothing complicated mostly a random generator for a game I am running.这是我的工作表,没有什么复杂的,主要是我正在运行的游戏的随机生成器。

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xBv1QuMEohTGTZlFZ_FafB9QUA9z9pwk3oz0G3qEegk/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xBv1QuMEohTGTZlFZ_FafB9QUA9z9pwk3oz0G3qEegk/edit?usp=sharing

Edit for more details:编辑以获取更多详细信息:

Range of names to be formatted is found in range O2:O52 and is generated randomly from a range of names in A2:A1977 which is a mixture of male and female names.要格式化的名称范围位于范围 O2:O52 中,它是从 A2:A1977 中的一系列名称中随机生成的,该范围是男性和女性名称的混合。

The same names from A2:A1977 are separated into ranges Male (D2:D996) and Female (F2:F981). A2:A1977 中的相同名称分为男性 (D2:D996) 和女性 (F2:F981) 范围。

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