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在 Google 表格中使用条件格式来突出显示单元格

[英]Use Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets to highlight cell


I want to be able to highlight a cell in google sheets if a cell on the same row is TRUE and the value does not exist in a named range (or a sheet).如果同一行上的单元格为 TRUE 并且该值不存在于命名范围(或工作表)中,我希望能够突出显示 google 工作表中的单元格。


Based on the scenario below in sheet1, if column a is TRUE, and the value in column b does not match anything in sheet2, highlight the cell red.根据 sheet1 中的以下情况,如果 a 列为 TRUE,并且 b 列中的值与 sheet2 中的任何内容都不匹配,则将单元格突出显示为红色。

column a     column b
TRUE         value1
FALSE        value2

column a 

I would like to do this in google sheets using conditional formatting custom formulas and named ranges (if required).我想在 google 工作表中使用条件格式自定义公式和命名范围(如果需要)执行此操作。


I have tried this with my sheet but cant manage it... I have copied my sheet example below?我已经用我的工作表试过这个但无法管理它......我已经复制了下面的工作表示例? Are you able to work it with this?你能用这个工作吗?

sheet1工作表 1 在此处输入图像描述

sheet2工作表2 在此处输入图像描述

Edit 2编辑 2

Rather than just matching whats in Cell DI would like to only match the values of the string that is separated by commas and only search if the letters "tf" are in the string. DI 不只是匹配 Cell 中的内容,而是希望只匹配由逗号分隔的字符串的值,并且只搜索字符串中是否包含字母“tf”。

if column a is TRUE, and the value in column b does not match anything in sheet2, highlight the cell red如果 a 列为 TRUE,并且 b 列中的值与 sheet2 中的任何内容都不匹配,则将单元格突出显示为红色


=(A1=TRUE)*(NOT(REGEXMATCH(B1&"", ""&TEXTJOIN("|", 1, INDIRECT("Sheet2!A:A")))))



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