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如何根据 Google 表格中的条件格式列表为单元格着色

[英]How can I color cells based on list with conditional formatting in Google Sheets

So I'm trying to make a few different lists with different colors and then I want google sheets color automatically whatever is on the list when it's shown elsewhere.因此,我尝试使用不同的 colors 制作一些不同的列表,然后我希望 google 表格自动为列表中显示的任何内容着色。 I've been trying a few different ways and found a solution that kind of works but isn't really scalable.我一直在尝试几种不同的方法,并找到了一种可行但不是真正可扩展的解决方案。

I'm bad at explaining things, so hopefully this example does a greater job on that than I did Here's example sheet我不擅长解释事情,所以希望这个例子比我做得更好这里的例子表

yellow list:黄名单:


green list:绿名单:


blue list:蓝名单:


red list:红名单:





catfish fix:鲶鱼修复:

=REGEXMATCH(LOWER(G3), LOWER("^"&TEXTJOIN("$|^", 1, $B:$B)&"$"))


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