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Php 彩色单词、居中和多行文本

[英]Php Colored Words, Centered and Multiline Text

Multiline text, centered, each word must be of different color.多行文本,居中,每个单词必须是不同的颜色。 I've tried too many methods.我试过太多方法了。 But none of them could do what I wanted.但他们都不能做我想做的事。 How can this be an easy and trouble-free way?这怎么可能是一种简单而无故障的方法?

How can the text be divided into words of 3-4, with the same color background, each with a different color?如何将文字分成3-4个字,背景颜色相同,每个字颜色不同?

$metin="Music Industry Sharks How to Uncover the Unscrupulous Many in the Music Business"; $metin="Music Industry Sharks 如何揭开音乐行业不法分子的面纱";

Example with still gd library:带有静止 gd 库的示例:

use GDText\Box;
use GDText\Color;

    $files = glob('./fontlar/*.ttf');
$fontik = implode("||", $files);

$metin="Music Industry Sharks How to Uncover the Unscrupulous Many in the Music Business";
$metin=preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9öÖüÜéèêôÄäçÇŞşĞğİı ]/", '', $metin);
$yenimetinp = wordwrap($yenimetin, 1, "<br>", false);

echo $yenimetinp;


while ($i<=substr_count($yenimetinp,'<br>')) {

if (substr_count($fontik2,'||')<=0); $fontik2=$fontik;

$im = imagecreatetruecolor(2000, 1000);
$backgroundColor = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 18, 64);
imagefill($im, 0, 0, $backgroundColor);


$rgb = hex2rgb($renkler[array_rand($renkler)]);


$box = new Box($im);
$box->setFontColor(new Color($r, $g, $b));
$box->setTextShadow(new Color(0, 0, 0, 50), 2, 2);
$box->setBox(strlen($prc[$i]), 20, 1800, 1000);
$box->setTextAlign('left', 'center');



$rgb = hex2rgb($renkler[array_rand($renkler)]);

$box->setFontColor(new Color($r, $g, $b));
$box->setTextShadow(new Color(0, 0, 0, 50), 2, 2);
$box->setBox(strlen($prc[$i])*100, 20, 1800, 1000);
$box->setTextAlign('left', 'center');



$rgb = hex2rgb($renkler[array_rand($renkler)]);

$box->setFontColor(new Color($r, $g, $b));
$box->setTextShadow(new Color(0, 0, 0, 50), 2, 2);
$box->setBox(strlen($prc[$i+1])*150, 20, 1800, 1000);
$box->setTextAlign('left', 'center');



$cropped = imagecropauto($im, IMG_CROP_SIDES);      
imagedestroy( $cropped );   


Failed .失败

sign valid css colours in var colors bellow在下面的 var 颜色中签署有效的 css 颜色

var colors = ["#ED401B", "blue", "red", "green", "yellow"];

$('#your-text').html(function (i, text) {
    return $.map(text.split(' '), function (word) {
         return '<div style="color:'
             + colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)]
             + '">' + word + '</div>';
    }).join(' ');

Here is jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/4fhvsw1j/1/这是 jsfiddle: https ://jsfiddle.net/4fhvsw1j/1/

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