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[英]Multiplying two double value gives negative number in flutter

I need to multiply two large numbers for example,例如,我需要将两个大数相乘,

 double x = 318191400000;
 double result =x*x;

But i am getting negative value for this when building in flutter .但是在构建 flutter 时,我得到了负值。

Please help me on this.请帮我解决这个问题。


[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/eyxJ4.png [1]:https://i.stack.imgur.com/eyxJ4.png

You're not actually multiplying two double s here, but two int s which is overflowing the 64-bit integer resulting in a negative number.您实际上不是在这里乘以两个double ,而是两个int溢出 64 位整数,从而导致负数。

With doubles:双打:

void main() {
  double x = 318191400000;
  print(x*x); // Result: 1.0124576703396e+23

With ints:使用整数:

void main() {
  int x = 318191400000;
  print(x*x); // Result: -8411186631728820224

If you ever print a double to the console, you'll always see it displayed in either scientific notation (for extremely large or small values) or with a decimal point with at least one trailing digit.如果您曾在控制台上打印双精度数,您总会看到它以科学记数法(对于极大或极小值)或带有至少一个尾随数字的小数点显示。

Finally i have found solution and sharing here for anyone having these kind of issues,最后,我找到了解决方案并在此分享给遇到此类问题的任何人,

xValues[index].toDouble() * yValues[index].toDouble()

This gives the expected result which is 1.0124576703396e+23这给出了预期的结果,即1.0124576703396e+23

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