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[英]Converting negative number in the string format to double

When i use double.parse on my textfield input i get the following error FormatException (FormatException: Invalid double -).当我在我的文本字段输入上使用 double.parse 时,出现以下错误 FormatException (FormatException: Invalid double -)。 Saw a similar post but problem doesn't seem to be solve 看到类似的帖子,但问题似乎没有解决

Also how can i prevent user from entering two "."另外我怎样才能防止用户输入两个“。” and "-".和 ”-”。 Any help is much appreciated.任何帮助深表感谢。 Ty for your time你的时间

          inputFormatters: [FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp(r'^-?\d*.?\d*')),],
          keyboardType: TextInputType.numberWithOptions(signed: true,decimal: true),

          onChanged:(value) {
            setState(() {
              data = double.parse(value);
          decoration: InputDecoration(
            border: OutlineInputBorder(),
            labelText: 'data'


I tried using RegExp('[0-9.-]') but it doesn't work as well.我尝试使用 RegExp('[0-9.-]') 但效果不佳。 I still get back the same error message as stated above我仍然收到与上述相同的错误消息

double.parse is expecting a double as string. double.parse 期待一个 double 作为字符串。 So when you enter a dot (.) or a dash (-) and it tries to parse it as a double, it throws an exception.因此,当您输入点 (.) 或破折号 (-) 并且它尝试将其解析为双精度数时,它会抛出异常。 You need to apply some checks in order to solve this.您需要进行一些检查才能解决此问题。

Try this试试这个

      inputFormatters: [
          TextInputType.numberWithOptions(signed: true, decimal: true),
      onChanged: (value) {
        if (value.isNotEmpty && value != '.' && value != '-') {
          setState(() {
            data = double.parse(value);
          InputDecoration(border: OutlineInputBorder(), labelText: 'data'),

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