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有没有办法在 Rust 中使用泛型类型别名作为函数的泛型类型

[英]is there a way to use a generic type alias as the generic type for a function in Rust

I want to be able to reuse a generic type alias as the generic type parameter for a couple of functions in Rust.我希望能够重用泛型类型别名作为 Rust 中几个函数的泛型类型参数。

I have tried creating the following type alias following the syntax specified in the type alias rust docs :我尝试按照类型别名 rust docs 中指定的语法创建以下类型别名:

type DebuggableFromStr<T: FromStr>
    <T as std::str::FromStr>::Err: std::fmt::Debug,
= T;

and would like to use it to replace the generic type definitions in the following function:并希望使用它来替换以下函数中的泛型类型定义:

fn split_string_to_vec<T: FromStr>(s: String) -> Vec<T>
    <T as std::str::FromStr>::Err: std::fmt::Debug,
        .map(|s| s.parse().unwrap())

Nope since Rust doesn't enforce type bounds on type aliases.不,因为 Rust 不强制类型别名的类型边界。 Your example is equivalent to this:你的例子相当于:

type DebuggableFromStr<T> = T;

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I don't believe it to be specifically documented anywhere but the compiler issues a warning if you try.我不相信它会在任何地方专门记录,但是如果您尝试,编译器会发出警告。

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