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分类数据的 R 数据可视化

[英]R Data Visualization for categorical data

I am looking for ways to visualize categorical data.我正在寻找可视化分类数据的方法。

Imagine that I am an avid birder and I have a list of birds that I want to view and get a photo of in two different states, Oregon and Idaho.想象一下,我是一个狂热的观鸟者,我有一份鸟类清单,我想在俄勒冈州和爱达荷州这两个不同的州查看并拍摄它们的照片。

I'm looking for a way to visually represent the progress.我正在寻找一种方法来直观地表示进度。

My first thought was that I would want something like a table that had species as the first column, states as the next two columns, then a split square with colors that represented the progress.我的第一个想法是我想要一个表格,第一列是物种,接下来的两列是陈述,然后是一个带有代表进度的颜色的分割方块。 Something like a diagonally split heatmap, but I'm coming up short.有点像对角线分割的热图,但我很短。 Here's a mock-up of an example.这是一个示例的模型。


Other suggestions would be most welcome.其他建议将是最受欢迎的。

And here is a sample data set to work with:这是一个可以使用的示例数据集:

progress <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
bird  location  action  progress
osprey  Oregon  view    completed
osprey  Oregon  photo   completed
osprey  Idaho   view    completed
osprey  Idaho   photo   not_yet
white-tailed_kite   Oregon  view    wait_till_spring
white-tailed_kite   Oregon  photo   wait_till_spring
white-tailed_kite   Idaho   view    not_present
white-tailed_kite   Idaho   photo   not_present
bald_eagle  Oregon  view    completed
bald_eagle  Oregon  photo   completed
bald_eagle  Idaho   view    completed
bald_eagle  Idaho   photo   completed")

Thank you for your suggestions!谢谢你的建议!

The triangles are probably hard, and might be done using custom glyphs/images or by making a function to draw a triangle polygon at the proper spots.三角形可能很难,并且可以使用自定义字形/图像或通过制作在适当位置绘制三角形多边形的函数来完成。

More simply, you might just use squares:更简单地说,您可能只使用正方形:

       aes(x = as.numeric(location) + if_else(action == "view", -0.1, 0.1),
           y = bird, 
           fill = progress)) +
  geom_tile(height = 0.2, color = "white", size = 2) +
  annotate("text", x = c(0.95, 1.05), y = 3.2, 
           label = c("view", "photo"), hjust = c(1,0)) +
  scale_x_discrete(limits = unique(progress$location), name = "") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("completed" = "olivedrab",
                                "not_present" = "gray70",
                                "not_yet" = "tomato4",
                                "wait_till_spring" = "lightskyblue")) +


Could be made more elegant, but hopefully this solution will help you achieve the design you are looking for.可以做得更优雅,但希望这个解决方案能帮助你实现你正在寻找的设计。

## variables related to heatmap squares
sz.square = 0.6
spacer = 0.05
col = c(completed="forestgreen", not_present="gray70", not_yet="orangered4",
## variables related to plot layout
sz.rowlabels = 3
sz.collabels = 0.2
sz.legend = 4

## plotting functions for heat map triangles
plot.action = c(
    ## plot "viewed"
    view = function(x, y, col) {
                x - sz.square/2 + spacer,
                x + sz.square/2,
                x + sz.square/2),
                y + sz.square/2,
                y - sz.square/2 + spacer,
                y + sz.square/2),
    ## plot "photographed"
    photo  = function(x, y, col) {
                x - sz.square/2,
                x + sz.square/2 - spacer,
                x - sz.square/2),
                y + sz.square/2 - spacer,
                y - sz.square/2,
                y - sz.square/2),

xlim = c(1 - sz.square - sz.rowlabels,
         length(levels(progress$location)) + sz.square + sz.legend)
ylim = c(length(levels(progress$bird)) + sz.square,
         1 - sz.square - sz.collabels)

## initialize the plot
par(mar=c(1, 1, 1, 1))
plot(c(0,2), c(2,0), type="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
     main=NA, xlab=NA, ylab=NA, xaxt="n", yaxt="n",

## plot heat map
for (i in 1:nrow(progress)) {
        col = col[progress$progress[i]])

## add axix labels
text(xlim[1], 1:nlevels(progress$bird), levels(progress$bird), adj=0, cex=2)
text(1:nlevels(progress$location), ylim[2], levels(progress$location),
     adj=c(0.5,0), cex=2)

## legend
text(xlim[2] - sz.legend/2, ylim[2], "Legend", cex=2)
sz.square = 0.25
x.legend = rep(xlim[2] - 5/8*sz.legend, nlevels(progress$progress) + 2)
y.legend = ylim[2] + 1:(nlevels(progress$progress) + 2) * 0.35 + 0.2
plot.action[["view"]](x.legend[2], y.legend[2], col="white")
plot.action[["photo"]](x.legend[1], y.legend[1], col="white")
    x.legend[3:length(x.legend)] - sz.square/2,
    y.legend[3:length(y.legend)] - sz.square/2,
    x.legend[3:length(x.legend)] + sz.square/2,
    y.legend[3:length(y.legend)] + sz.square/2,

text(x.legend + sz.square, y.legend,
     c("viewed", "photographed", levels(progress$progress)),
     adj=0, cex=1.3)


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