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在 kaggle 笔记本中安装谷歌驱动器

[英]mount google drive in kaggle notebook

In google colab, I easily mount my google drive with this:在 google colab 中,我很容易用这个挂载我的谷歌驱动器:

from google.colab import drive

In kaggle's notebook, however, it gives this error:然而,在 kaggle 的笔记本中,它给出了这个错误:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-2b128295b616> in <module>
      2 # !pip install google-colab
      3 from google.colab import drive
----> 4 drive.mount('/content/gdrive')
      5 # Set your own project id here
      6 # PROJECT_ID = 'your-google-cloud-project'

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/google/colab/drive.py in mount(mountpoint, force_remount, timeout_ms)
     80     return
---> 82   env = _env()
     83   home = env.home
     84   root_dir = env.root_dir

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/google/colab/drive.py in _env()
     41   home = _os.environ['HOME']
     42   root_dir = _os.path.realpath(
---> 43       _os.path.join(_os.environ['CLOUDSDK_CONFIG'], '../..'))
     44   inet_family = 'IPV4_ONLY'
     45   dev = '/dev/fuse'

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/os.py in __getitem__(self, key)
    667         except KeyError:
    668             # raise KeyError with the original key value
--> 669             raise KeyError(key) from None
    670         return self.decodevalue(value)


This is my setup in kaggle notebook (also tested this , did not work):这是我在 kaggle 笔记本中的设置(也对此进行了测试,没有用):

!pip install google-colab # I don't know if this is the correct package
from google.colab import drive

In fact, the google-colab library does not exist in the Kaggle Kernel.实际上,Kaggle 内核中并不存在google-colab库。 In this way, I use the following procedure to deal with this problem in Kaggle Kernel:这样,我在 Kaggle Kernel 中使用下面的过程来处理这个问题:

  • First, extract the ID of your desire file from google drive:首先,从谷歌驱动器中提取您想要的文件的 ID:

    1. In your browser, navigate to drive.google.com.在您的浏览器中,导航至 drive.google.com。

    2. Right-click on the file, and click "Get a shareable link"右键单击该文件,然后单击“获取可共享链接”


    3. Then extract the ID of file from URL:然后从 URL 中提取文件的 ID:


  • Next, install gdown PyPI module using conda :接下来,使用conda安装gdown PyPI 模块:

    ! conda install -y gdown

  • Finally, download the file using gdown and the intended ID:最后,使用gdown和预期的 ID 下载文件:

    !gdown --id <put-the-ID>

For example:例如:

!gdown --id 1-1wAx7b-USG0eQwIBVwVDUl3K1_1ReCt

google-colab不由 Google 维护,并且像drive.mount这样的 Colab 库无法在 Colab 环境本身之外运行。

As the stack trace suggests you have some keys missing.正如堆栈跟踪所暗示的,您缺少一些键。


You can get this key by logging into GCP and searching for creds您可以通过登录 GCP 并搜索凭据来获取此密钥

To use these secretively: place this key into Kaggle Secrets Add-ons.要秘密使用这些:将此密钥放入 Kaggle Secrets 附加组件中。

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