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[英]Chart.js, increase space between bars and its labels when increasing the charts width

I´m currently testing the ChartType bar form Chart.js.我目前正在测试 ChartType bar Chart.js。

Thats how i defined the test canvas:这就是我定义测试画布的方式:

<div class="bar-chart">
    [datasets]="[{label: 'Testuser1', data: [0, 15, 0, 0]}, {label: 'Testuser2', data: [10, 0, 10, 0]}, {label: 'Testuser3', data: [15, 0, 0, 12]}]"
    [labels]="['Junior Softwaredeveloper', 'Senior Softwaredeveloper', 'Designer']" [chartType]="barChartType"

The options im using:我使用的选项:

export const CHARTOPTIONS_BAR = {
  legend: {display: false},
  animation: null,
  tooltips: {
    callbacks: {
      label: (tooltipItems, data) => data.datasets[tooltipItems.datasetIndex].label + ': ' + data.datasets[tooltipItems.datasetIndex].data[0] + 'h'
  plugins: {
    colorschemes: {
      scheme: 'tableau.SuperfishelStone10',
      override: true
  scales: {
    xAxes: [{
      stacked: true,
    yAxes: [{
      stacked: true,
      scaleLabel: {
        display: true,
        labelString: 'Stunden',
        fontSize: 18
  responsive: true

And the parent class just defines the width and height to which the canvas responsively adapts to:而父类只是定义了画布响应适应的宽度和高度:

.bar-chart {
  width: 400px;
  height: 200px;

Thats how it looks:这就是它的样子:


I would like to increase the width of the chart, so theres enough space for longer text like Junior Softwaredeveloper to fit in(horizontally).我想增加图表的宽度,以便有足够的空间容纳像Junior Softwaredeveloper这样的较长文本(水平)。

But if i increase the width from 400px to 800px i get this:但是如果我将宽度从 400px 增加到 800px 我得到这个:


So it scales up the aspect ratio of everything which results in a blurred image.因此,它会放大所有内容的纵横比,从而导致图像模糊。 Is there a way to increase the width of the chart which then causes the space between the bars to increase, but keep the aspect ratio of the text, bar etc. the same?有没有办法增加图表的宽度,然后导致条形之间的空间增加,但保持文本、条形等的纵横比相同?

I basically just want everything to be like in the above image.我基本上只是希望一切都像上图一样。 Just double the width without it affecting the aspect ratio of the elements.只需将宽度加倍,而不会影响元素的纵横比。 Doubling the width should just double the space between the bars and its labels which would help me to fit in longer text horizontally.将宽度加倍应该只是将条形与其标签之间的空间加倍,这将有助于我水平放置较长的文本。

To avoid the blurring effect on the increased chart, you can define the following option.为避免增加图表的模糊效果,您可以定义以下选项。

maintainAspectRatio: false

Defining categoryPercentage on individual datasets determines how much space each category may take.在单个数据集上定义categoryPercentage确定每个类别可能占用多少空间。 That way you'll change the space between the bars.这样你就可以改变条形之间的空间。

  categoryPercentage: categoryPct,
  label: 'Testuser1', 
  data: [0, 15, 0, 0]

If necessary, you may also want to change the tick rotation.如有必要,您可能还想更改刻度旋转。

xAxes: [{
  stacked: true,
  ticks: {
    minRotation: 20

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