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[英]Blockchain block time

I'm new to blockchain and I try to understand some basic concepts, but have a question about block forming time.我是区块链的新手,我试图了解一些基本概念,但对区块形成时间有疑问。 Does any blockchain platforms have any restrictions about time for forming a block?任何区块链平台对形成区块的时间有任何限制吗?

In Bitcoin (and many others), you can take as long as you want to mine a block ( though the block's timestamp must be within 2 hours of the network time ), the problem comes when you are trying to mine a block which contains old transactions (one's which are no longer valid, ie have already been mined/replaced).在比特币(以及许多其他的)中,你可以用多久的时间来挖掘一个块(尽管块的时间戳必须在网络时间的 2 小时内),当你试图挖掘一个包含旧的块时就会出现问题交易(不再有效的交易,即已经被开采/替换的交易)。 So, once a block is mined, usually miners will watch for that so they can pull in new transactions and attempt to mine those before the next miner wins.因此,一旦挖出一个区块,矿工通常会注意这一点,以便他们可以引入新的交易并尝试在下一个矿工获胜之前挖掘这些交易。

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