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[英]Order of block number in Blockchain

Assume I started a transaction yesterday which is not yet confirmed (In Pending status).假设我昨天开始了一笔尚未确认的交易(处于待处理状态)。 Later four other transactions are Successful and assumed they are having block numbers 1110, 1111, 1112, 1113.后来其他四笔交易成功,并假设它们的区块号为 1110、1111、1112、1113。

Assume the old transaction got confirmed at this point in time.假设旧交易在此时得到确认。 May I know what can be the block number of that old one?我可以知道那个旧的块号是多少吗? Can it be less than 1110 or it will be greater than 1113. I tested but my transactions are fast and unable to generate this scenario.可以小于 1110 还是大于 1113。我测试过,但是我的交易速度很快,无法生成这个场景。

The reason for asking is, to read ether scan data using block numbers.询问的原因是,使用块号读取以太扫描数据。

The tx will be in a higher block (Assuming it gets accepted by a miner at some point). tx 将位于更高的块中(假设它在某个时候被矿工接受)。 It is currently in the mempool waiting to be mined.它目前在内存池中等待被挖掘。 You can query the blockchain to get the status (Depends on client API, special clients like Alchemy and QuickNode may have special tools to explore the mempool eg Alchemy have a mempool watcher).您可以查询区块链以获取状态(取决于客户端 API,Alchemy 和 QuickNode 等特殊客户端可能具有探索内存池的特殊工具,例如 Alchemy 有内存池观察器)。

This is a good primer to understand what is happening. 是了解正在发生的事情的一个很好的入门。

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