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[英]Select the first character before a forward slash but after any space

I have the following string patterns which I need to match as described.我有以下字符串模式,我需要按照描述进行匹配。

I need only the first char/digit on each of the following examples.在以下每个示例中,我只需要第一个字符/数字。 Before the '/' and after any space:在“/”之前和任何空格之后:

12/5 <--match on 1
x23/4.5 match on x
234.5/7 match on 2
2 - 012.3/4 match on 0

regex something like the following is obviously not enough:像下面这样的正则表达式显然是不够的:


To make Clear I'm actauly using the regex with js split so it's some mpping function which takes each one of the strings and split it on the match.为了清楚起见,我实际上将正则表达式与 js split 一起使用,因此它是一些 mpping 函数,它获取每个字符串并将其拆分为匹配项。 So for example 2 - 012.3/4 would be split to [ 2 - 0, 12.3/4] and 12/5 to 1, [2/5] and so on.因此,例如2 - 012.3/4将被拆分为[ 2 - 0, 12.3/4]12/5 to 1, [2/5]将拆分12/5 to 1, [2/5]等等。

See example (with non working regex) here:在此处查看示例(使用非工作正则表达式):

https://regex101.com/r/N1RbGp/1 https://regex101.com/r/N1RbGp/1

Try a regular expression like this:试试这样的正则表达式:


Breaking it down:分解它:

  • (?<=^|\\s) is a zero-width (non-capturing) positive lookbehind that ensures that the match will begin only immediately following start-of-text or a whitespace character. (?<=^|\\s)是零宽度(非捕获)正向后视,确保匹配仅在文本开头或空白字符之后立即开始。

  • [a-zA-Z0-9] matches a single letter or digit. [a-zA-Z0-9]匹配单个字母或数字。

  • (?=\\S*[/]) is a zero-width (non-capturing) positive lookahead that requires the matched letter or digit to be followed by zero or more non-whitespace characters and a solidus (' / ') character. (?=\\S*[/])是零宽度(非捕获)正向前瞻,它要求匹配的字母或数字后跟零个或多个非空白字符和一个实线(' / ') 字符。

Here's the code:这是代码:

const texts = [
  '2 - 012.3/4',
texts.push( texts.join(', ') );

for (const text of texts) {
  const rx = /(?<=^|\s)[a-zA-Z0-9](?=\S*[/])/g;

  console.group(`text: '${text}'`);
  for(let m = rx.exec(text) ; m ; m = rx.exec(text) ) {
    console.log(`matched '${m[0]}' at offset ${m.index} in text.`);


This is the output:这是输出:

text: '12/5'
  matched '1' at offset 0 in text.

text: 'x23/4.5'
  matched 'x' at offset 0 in text.

text: '234.5/7'
  matched '2' at offset 0 in text.

text: '2 - 012.3/4'
  matched '0' at offset 4 in text.

text: '12/5, x23/4.5, 234.5/7, 2 - 012.3/4'
  matched '1' at offset 0 in text.
  matched 'x' at offset 6 in text.
  matched '2' at offset 15 in text.
  matched '0' at offset 28 in text.

If you want to be able to scan the whole document:如果您希望能够扫描整个文档:


https://regex101.com/r/rN08sP/1 https://regex101.com/r/rN08sP/1

 s = `12/5 x23/4.5 234.5/2 534/5.6 - 49.55/6.5 234.5/7`; console.log(s.match(/(?<=(^|\\s))\\S(?=\\S*\\/)/g));

But if you want to extract that character in a short string: (did you mean there is a space in front?)但是如果你想在一个短字符串中提取那个字符:(你的意思是前面有一个空格吗?)

It'd be /\\s(\\S)\\S*\\//它会是/\\s(\\S)\\S*\\//

 const arr = [ " 12/5", " x23/4.5", " 234.5/7", " 2 - 012.3/4" ]; arr.forEach(s => { let result = s.match(/\\s(\\S)\\S*\\//); if (result) console.log("For", s, "result: ", result[1]) });

But if "beginning of line" is ok... so no space is needed in front, then /(^|\\s)(\\S)\\S*\\// :但是如果“行首”没问题......所以前面不需要空格,那么/(^|\\s)(\\S)\\S*\\//

 const arr = [ "12/5", "x23/4.5", "234.5/7", "2 - 012.3/4" ]; arr.forEach(s => { let result = s.match(/(^|\\s)(\\S)\\S*\\//); if (result) console.log("For", s, "result: ", result[2]) });

But actually, if you don't mean literally a space but just boundary in general:但实际上,如果你的意思不是字面上的空间而是一般的边界:

 const arr = [ "12/5", "x23/4.5", "234.5/7", "2 - 012.3/4" ]; arr.forEach(s => { let result = s.match(/\\b(\\S)\\S*\\//); if (result) console.log("For", s, "result: ", result[1]) });

The first group in this regex matches the character you're asking for:此正则表达式中的第一组匹配您要求的字符:


You could also just use:你也可以只使用:


And use the first character of the match (or perhaps you need the rest anyway).并使用匹配的第一个字符(或者您可能仍然需要其余的字符)。

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